Why are certain classes immortal?

I was wondering why Blizzard made certain classes/specs immortal in world pvp.
Here are a few examples:

  • All Tanks
  • All Healers
  • DHs

It doesn’t matter what buttons they press or how bad they are, they are unkillable in world pvp because of their absurd amounts of passive selfhealing, why is that so?


You answered it yourself, so bad players who are the majority can have fun in wpvp despite them making an absurd amount of mistakes they’re some how still crushing everyone

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No idea why they thought it’s a good game design that you need 3+ DPS to kill a tank or a healer.

There is absolutely no chance in 1v1. At the same time tanks and healers actually do good damage and it’s not like they’re outlasting you, they straight up blow your a$s up :smiley:

Think WoW would generally be better off, or atleast for the dps being balanced around just the classes as a whole more so than around 3’s. Comp balancing is killing individual classes. RIP Prey on the weak assa rogues.


Yes, tanky classes feel very OP now. You can do lot of damage, but he then just gets out another 250k hp out of nowhere, and 200k shield, and you need to do this again ( and if your class doesn’t have such self-heal the best thing you can do is to try to escape alive ).
Also all these bubble mechanics now made quick ganks impossible and rogues basically lost their main advantage in world pvp. Anybody who reached 120 with at least 400ilvl is guaranteed to survive for at least 30 seconds, during which whole area runs to his aid and quick 3x1 gank turns into 3x20 carnage, where everybody spams aoes to make any hope of escaping near to impossible too ( unless you escape shortly after beginning of fight or don’t even try ). So, gank in bfa is when you bring an army and wage full scale war against whole area until everybody protecting target is dead ( and hopefully target is still there and not logged off or turned pvp off ).
I’m new to bfa, but it was very different in BC, rogues could actually do something in world pvp.

So… you failed to kill someone in 3v1 (hahahahahahha), you got ganked and corpse camped and you complain that you actually failed to kill someone in 3v1 (hahahahahahaha)… Also no 400ilvl can survive a burst for 30 seconds, let alone from three players. You were just terrible. There is no way to take this post seriously… Sorry not sorry.

Classes like DK or Palas can survive for minutes. But all classes have some kinds of bubbles that allows them to survive for a fixed amount of time ( regardless of received damage ) and run towards other people that will heal and protect them. And, as I said, it’s only 3v1 for first seconds, then it quickly becomes 3v3, 3v6, 3v20, as more and more random pvpers run in. And of course some random healer heals him to full hp instantly. So it’s not possible to nuke anyone quickly and escape ( which was the main benefit of rogues in wpvp ) anymore, ganks are only possible if target is alone, without anyone ( and especially healer ) around, which is near to impossible scenario, because everybody use flying mounts ( which make them invulnerable ) between locations and only land for couple of seconds to do some quick wq or whatever ( and it’s not possible to follow them at 310% flying speed while still being hidden ).
Oh, and first burst is now only used to trigger bubble, after that you need for bubble to end before actually trying to kill. Unless you can kill target during first several-seconds stun and even then he can use medallion and bubble anyway.

I got Alliance Slayer solo in Mechagon, took like 25 kills without dying to achieve. Altho Rogue is not as strong as it was, but still very potent in 1v1, just have to pick your fights. Avoid DH, BM hunters, ferals, healers and tanks, ideally gank people who are already engaged with mobs and never start a fight without all of your CDs available. Don’t forget to /lol and /spit after they’re dead. Gotta play as dirty as possible. Abuse the mechagon jet flying pack - you can instantly fly after Vanish, so noone will ever catch you.

Assa pressure from opener is often enough to force defensives, you pop Vendetta after that and they’re ded.


The point is you can’t gank somebody in crowded area anymore, 1v1 is not possible there because tons of people run in and kill you while you wait for bubble to end. Was possible in BC because there weren’t bubbles that just soaked everything ( except maybe for pala ).

Yes, they enable defensives, and then run to other people so all I can do then is escape. Happened over and over.

Although in warmode it’s probably not so bad, but without wm people just disable pvp when they go somewhere like mechagon and that’s it.

Heh well true, because our RPPvP “shard” or however it’s called, is alliance dominated, like 10:1. As a horde you’re always outnumbered.

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