Why do they always build 40 man raids just to be able to defeat 1 Alliance player?
and only if they use bloodlust for that
Why do they run away when they’re only 3 against 1 player, but then come back with a whole raid?
Why do they always build 40 man raids just to be able to defeat 1 Alliance player?
and only if they use bloodlust for that
Why do they run away when they’re only 3 against 1 player, but then come back with a whole raid?
To begin with, I am not an expert player. I have bad gear and I play affliction because I cant stand how boring Destruction is.
I only have one school of magic and no burst.
Sometimes when I quest, I get attacked by a player.
It is usually a blood elf, well its almost always a blood elf. I am by no means targeting any race, if it was a tauren id say it. Its just what it is. Its 90% blood elves that does this.
When I fight many mobs together, a blood elf doll might see me and try putting me down.
I usually pop my defensive for no interrupt and use my drain life 50 stacks which deals quite a bit of damage, while infinity star might proc.
Then I use a portal and teleport me far away leaving mob aggro and start dotting up the player.
Death coil etc.
I usually die because I play a weak pvp spec and most attackers have raid gear, but sometimes I do win, especially when the terrain favors me.
When the blood elf player dies, it is a very high chance that the elf will call for a whole raid of horde players to come after me.
This begs the question.
Do they feel proud to bring a raid after failing to kill a 20 ilvl lower player who have 20 mobs on them?
And why do other horde players even help them? Dont they think ”this elf is a weakling”, I thought the horde was all about honor?
Sad story.
We just have more active players doing assaults, dailies etc. Now factor in CTA quests where every single one of those horde players need 25 kills and the result is 20+ players chasing 1 alliance because we need to do our quests too.
why do alliance allways gank up on me when i kill 2 or 4 of them alone in wpvp? alliance are cowards!!! either run away or die by my hands
Like for the laugh
They are really terribly bad though, they suck at 1v1s so bad.
Oh that’s easy to explain. Horde don’t have any good reward for ganking allys so most player don’t give shiet about wPvP. Give us free items once per week and then you see more wPvP.
People are still being biased towards thier faction? Typical. Listen i play both sides more or less and I can say everything mentioned here applies to both sides… yes it happens more to alliance players due to the fact that the bigger players base are on horde sides.
But hey I can tell you I have seen an example of every single scenario mentioned here while I was playing on alliance or horde…ofc while WM on.
you say that before or after they pull a mob?
Why do they always build 40 man raids just to be able to defeat 1 Alliance player?
Funny enough I often see the same happen the other way around., with Alliance players doing the exact same thing.
If any group is formed it’s most likely due to the pvp world quest or maybe a pvp crate.
I play both horde and alliance and I dont see much difference
allience does same …
Here fixed it for you.
Some worry too much about fairness in WPvP. It’s not designed for it, never was.
fairness in wpvp is nonexistant
u never get anything for not killing the ally, if u dont kill first he will try when u pull mobs
he will call in all friends to kill u if he die, so better kill fast and get out, or call ur friends
it is as it should be and always has been
Lots of human females does this to just so you know.
Dont think you can do any quests in a raid, like call to arms, so youre probably just unlucky. Even though its probably very tempting getting a raid to avenge deirsrybelfbasses after a humiliating wtfpwning from a sexy fem dark iron.
Also i guess ppl team up to complete the quests asap and therefore attacking players already in combat for a quick kill count (not in your case though! ).
Everything is so tedious you just wanna finish quickly.
But to be sure belfs and human females jumps you alot more often then anybody else because these players seems to think theyre undefeatable because of their race (human/belf) and gender (belfs few male mostly female, humans 100% female) and because that they have alot more ilvl
( wich means skill for them).
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