15 horde players are getting farmed by 3 alliance players because they are all running around headlessly acting like the alliance players don’t even exist.
Is this what these warmode complaints are all about? If so, maybe you horde players should try to actually attack alliance players instead of trying to escape on your mount until you are 0.1% hp
Exactly this, those are players who joined WM for the extra xp gain, not for the pvp, and they are on both sides.
And they expected you to be nice to them because they didn’t attack back.
I experince something similar, people are being nice towards me because I always play undergeared or in cosmetic - they don’t want to attack someone who isn’t ready for pvp.
But just attack and don’t complain if you are the winner or the loser.
Nah, this isn’t is the WM complaints, more that one side get the feeling they are overrun by the other faction… the other side get the feeling they are overrun by the other faction… one faction gets something the other doesn’t get and RP shards are apparently in the most unfair position
To be fair…yes, you dont exist for us.
How to explain it…hmmm…let me put it this way: Horde= dinosaurs and alliance= ants. So why we would bother ourselfs to kill some insects? Get the point?