Why are layers STILL an issue?

I just came back to SoD after a year or so.

I left in P2 due to the terrible layering that made the world feel dead. Imagine my shock when a year onwards Blizzard still hasn’t fixed this. I was able to walk from Stormwind to Booty bay, ask for a layer change, then walk back to Stormwind without seeing another alliance player, let alone a Horde on either layer.

Why is this a thing ? Please just make it one or two layers like on ERA. It’s supposed to be an MMO.

Surely if you have mega servers/server merges now you can just have a couple of layers so the world doesn’t feel totally dead? Like on ERA

problem is your saying this but then the folks in silithus are sitting with 60 peope, sat round fighting for spawns in hives. id of expected it to be dynamic for zones at least.

OP clearly didnt go to silithus this week lmao , you can’t even tag a single mob , legion of peoples everywhere

It a seasión server and it for sure need a LOT more layers.
people are not leveling, all are with there mains close to the same sport in progressions, that why low zones are emty, were contekt zones have to manny peopel at the same spowns.

as the war effert is going on, we need permanent 4 to 5 layers on just Wild strike a lone.

The only issue with layers is that there are not enough of them, especially in absurdly busy places like Silithus

Maybe if they had layered zones only instead of layers across whole server this would be much better


Hey, stop right there. You’re making it sound like there are some big brains behind the design of layers. The idea that they could measure how many people are in a zone would be way too clever for a game they’ve only spent 20 years perfecting.

problem we currently have is this. i myself have farmed the best the best part of 25k fragments with some 8 people, ive spent the last 6 days farming. some good farming some attrocious. it needs fixing and needs fixing quickly. potentially someone in our guild is going to get stuffed over with current layering conditions and lack of hyperspawning given the amount of people farming. thats not becuase we dont have the time itself but waiting 4 minutes for a repsawn is nothing short of ridic ulous