Why are people putting up crafting orders that pay less than the mats cost?

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Genuine question: if I can’t provide the mats how much gold I would have to offer for a epic crafted item on average ?
The armour class doesn’t matter as I play all of them.


At minimum the price of the crafting mats. After that it is up for debate, really.

From personal observation if your craft does not use primal infusion/concentrated primal infusion then the commission price tends to be low (normally below 1k on public crafting order). A lot of crafters can easily craft rank 5 of those without using any additional resources.

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I think the issue here is that not only is it currently a pain trying to work out which orders they’re including all the materials with (which Blizzard is apparently planning on addressing by adding some way of sorting them), but as someone else mentioned … it’s a trust issue. I don’t NEED to do work orders for anyone else as I have an army of alts who can pitch in for each other, plus the occasional guild order I’ll do. I’ve been doing them simply because I have the CD available for public work orders, and have seen that people need them - especially the ones for inscription where there are usually loads.

But with the new system in place, and with people VERY OBVIOUSLY taking the mick, it’s no longer a good use of my time. Tips for the stuff I was doing was pretty minimal anyway, but if I’m having to spend time sifting out the chancers, why even bother to look anymore?

I saw one yesterday where an order was there for an item … they tipped 50g. The materials they DID NOT INCLUDE, would have cost me over 3,000g in the auction house. As far as I’m concerned, if I’m making the effort to make an item for someone I don’t know, for such a minimal tip, I fully expect them to go to the effort of providing all the materials themselves. I’ve started setting people to ignore who are obviously trying to take advantage. Which means even if they mend their ways, I’m never making anything for them.

I fail to see how this is a scam, you can clearly tell if the mats are there or not and there’s even a warning message.

If you don’t want to do the orders then ignore them.

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Thank you :smiley:

I’m leveling 25 characters atm, they are around the level of this character.
When they hit 70, I think I will have a lot of public orders to ask.


It’s the same reason people keep putting a single crafting mat up for well below the current price - to catch you out if you’re not paying attention.

It would be nice if they could do something about it, so I don’t have to be so vigilant when fulfilling crafting order or putting up auction house listings. I doubt they’ll do anything though.

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It might not necessarily be classed as a “scam” because, if you’re paying attention, it’s easy enough for a crafter to realise and reject it … but (a) it means that trying to find work orders that do include all the materials take a lot longer to find and (b) the person placing the order is at best being very ignorant of the cost of materials and at worst hoping that someone will craft something for them at a massive loss, knowingly or unknowingly.

Personally I play WoW because I enjoy the game itself, I’m not one of those who spends hours at a time crafting things to sell, or working the auction house, so from my point of view, fulfilling a work order is a favour I’m doing for a stranger, albeit with a reward attached for my effort. Other than the occasional very rare item, most work orders don’t give enough of a reward to make me want to go out of my way to fill them - I could get the same amount being out playing WoW and selling grey trash items.

Of course … you would be much more liked, and more likely to get the work orders made, if instead of sending the gold to cover the materials you’re missing, you just buy those materials from the auction house and include them in your order.

There are certain crafted items that require the crafter to go to a specific location sometimes on the other side of the map, in order to make (and then go back to the first location to combine that item to create the full ordered item). Or alternatively they’d have to go to the auction house and buy the items.

Some crafters might go ahead and happily do that, or have spares on them, but you’re certainly reducing the number of crafters willing to fill those orders if you don’t include the materials. Plus it just feels a bit lazy that if you’re checking the auction house for costs of materials anyway, you don’t just buy and send them :stuck_out_tongue:

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When crafting with a finishing reagent you always get the “you are using your own materials” warning which makes it so you get used to ignoring it and clicking yes. Just did a public order for someone that had all the materials except the mettle which i didnt notice until after the craft was done. So the warning is pretty useless and something else needs to be implemented so you cant miss that you are using materials. For example having to click a checkbox for each material that you need to provide.


I do agree it’s dumb that there’s no way to filter but from what I could gather most professions weren’t getting many crafting orders in the first place, this is just a bandage solution, personally I usually answer to people asking for something specific in trade chat since engineering never gets crafting orders even with the changes there’s like 3 or 4 at one given time.

There is an addon now which, whilst not perfect, certainly makes it easier: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/publicordersreagentscolumn

But yes, I understand about the lack of orders in total … my enchanter gets very few orders through, yet my inscriber always has plenty to choose from.

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Thank you, for the information :smiley:

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I ask for random stuff (Dragon customisation, toys etc) for low cost + no mats because I want the items and people can decline / not accept my order requests if they do not want to waste money on doing them:
meanwhile I as an enchanter hardly ever see orders up besides the ones I make myself, so I wouldn’t mind using my own mats and low gold cost to fullfill some orders for the achievement, but I am also adverse to shouting about it in trade cause of toxic people and I just keep to myself mostly now…

But I agree it should be made VERY clear that there are no mats provided, it feels a bit hidden right now.
A way to filter for people, built into game, would be nice.
I feel like that’s what is the issue here, since not all of us who make these stupid orders are malicious.

Was just reading about this on wowhead, definitely going to give it a whirl.

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But I thought that public orders required all the reagents, did something change?

Makes it really easy to block the scammers though. Good luck on that fierce illimited diamond, providing nothing for a 1g fee.

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Wym? You just read the crafting order?..

Its not a pain to double check if they bring the mats lol

p.s People with enough AM can pay for a 10k gold order.

AM at some point is just a random farm you dont need it for anything special after you got your work items, and you got your skilluips from the vendor, really.

Of course … just read the crafting order. But you have to have it on the public tab and press search because it doesn’t auto-populate, then see the list of the orders available … say for example there’s 20 different items on the list, and each one of those items has multiple orders … you can’t see at that point what they’ve included. You click on the item to get the list of work orders for that item, then click on the top one on the list, only to discover it doesn’t include all materials - so then you have to click the back button. Then click on the next one … find the same thing … back again … and so on and so forth. In theory, currently, you could end up reading through dozens of crafting orders before finding one that actually included all the materials … or perhaps gave a reasonable enough tip for you to consider providing what was missing.

I’m sure it’s no problem at all if you’re only getting one or two orders on your list … but I’m not.

I honestly have no idea what that means :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes … I must admit I’ve just started blocking people who ask for silly things … like the “silly toy” that they’ve tipped 1g for, provided no materials, and would cost thousands of gold to make. Unfortunately it doesn’t completely remove them from the crafting list (it “counts” their order, just doesn’t show it), but it’s much better than having to wade through them.

On the plus side … those people putting in silly orders are wasting 20g each time, I’m assuming? Or do they get that back if it’s not filled after the 2 days?