Why are people so obnoxious in M+ search?

don’t hide on no alt then bruv, makes you look like trash it does (i mean the rio, not you as a person)

Being a good dps doesn’t mean doing top dps. I’ve seen plenty of people who are just tunneling numbers and stand in crap making the healer do extra work. And by linking your numbers you make yourself look like you are one that only chases numbers.


I don’t particularly care what people think about me on a forum if im being honest. Im just here to share opinions and ideas on how to better everyone’s performance in M+ and getting better team ups that rely less on RNG of whether or not you get a good rio dude or not.

But apparently most people here are extremely stubborn for no apparent reasons. Either that or doing too many M+ with the seasonal affix gave them a false sense of " pride " in their beliefs lol.

The only whispers i find acceptable is them telling me their IO isnt updated. Pretty much any other whisper is extremely irritating to me especially if they whisper me their dps Lmfao


If you stand in stuff and die, you don’t get good dps because you die.
Not standing in stuff and timing your interrupts and doing mechanics in a key is essential to actualy doing good dps.

You must live a very stresfull life if a simple whisper while you queue up for a key is " extremely irritating " to you then.
Imagine if someone sent you a mail in-game what would happen to your poor soul.

well if you want people to care about your opinions you might want to care about how you show yourself. But then again, we’re on the forums, we don’t really care do we? xD


DPS meters aren’t interesting, though. If you timed 18s, I’ll assume you can pull your weight in damage. Everything else is what would be interesting. The fact you think DPS is what a party leader would care about is something that’d sway me the other way, for sure.


No, its perfectly reasonable, like I said in my first post. Tone deaf.


What else is interesting then.
Interrupts? That’s a given at this level of key. You can’t time keys at all if you don’t interrupt.
Fail mechanics -> Die -> Lose dps -> Bad dps
Do mechanids -> Live -> Maximize dps -> Good dps

So essentialy doing good dps proves you can do mechanics.

And then after that… Well that’s pretty much all there is to do in a key. You don’t need degree in thermo-science or the ability to write a 500 pages essay to time a key do you?

You keep going on and on about " how dps is not the most important part " but what is besides the two qualities I’ve described then?
You are on a timer to kill stuff as fast as possible as a dps that is LITTERALY your role.

This is not me being pretentious or arrogant, it is litteraly the thing you are supposed to do. Doesn’t matter if you do 50 interrupts in a plaguefall 19 if you are doing below 5K dps overall, you won’t time it.

Too bad that so few people like exist who see their fellow players as players instead of nameless underlings to recruit for their company’s project. “Don’t call us, we will call you” style

Nothing you can whisper without being asked to. :wink:

Guy whispers you:1400 Rio on Main inv please,turns out the character he whisps from is his main with 500 Rio

He see your Rio score so if he wants you in his group he will invite you :smiley: you don’t need to whiper him
I personaly don’t like whispers like this … 1500 rio on main / im doing big DPS / i know all mechanics in dungeon…
I see you so if i need you in my group i will invite you

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Where did I say anything about the dps dying? Taking just one or two hits / ticks from something bad to boost dps numbers doesn’t kill the dps, but requires the healer to use an extra heal on them instead of being able to conserve mana or keep healing the tank. So once again; linking your dps makes you look like you only care about your dps. And that means I’m not interested in whatever it is that you are offering.

If the person actually has something to say, I don’t mind. However linking dps meter I would call useless spam.

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I think the best approach is to simply not whisper anything at all. IF the party leader actually wants more details from you, he will whisper.

If you applied for my group I would maybe pick you.

After you whisper me your big D dps, I would 100% not pick you.


When I did mythic+ back in BFA people used to spam me raid achieves to try and get an invite


For me personally, it’s the attitude of “Everyone else are expected not to whisper so the leader doesn’t get overwhelmed, but I am special so I am the exception to that rule.”

Also the attitude of “I DO KNOW that you don’t like whispers, but I would still like to whisper you because I am special”.

This is what puts me off.


And also because the signup interface has a place where you send a note to the leader. If you have something to say to the leader, put it in the note (like my main rio score is 4K or I got KSM, or I am Venthir, or I do DPS, or whatever).


Because if i want something from you i’ll whisper to you
If i don’t i don’t care about your dps meters

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