Why are pets so bad in Cataclysm?

On Magmaw The pet can not run in to attack magmaw and the player has to manually move it to the ledge or summon it at melee range

On Nefarian jumping down will usually bug the pet and it refuses to go and attack onyxia and just stays passive until resummoned

On Nefarian in phase 2 with the 3 platforms the pets just refuse to get up with the players and have to be resummoned and a lot of times they just edge on the lava and end up dying if they don’t get healed

On Nefarian in phase 3 at least from my experience when i played destro the imp just keeps dying, Not sure if one of the aoe abilities arent getting reduced like others…

On conclave on Anshall sometimes the pet just decides to run back to me and also the doomguard just refuses to attack the boss

On Alakir at the start of the fight if you’re not standing really close to the boss melee pets just refuse to move the 5 yards and just stand passive next to the player

On Alakir again in phase 3 pets just despawn

On Sinestra the same thing as Magmaw happens and the pet refuses to path to the boss by itself, The player has to manually move the pet first to the melee range then tell it to attack…

I really hope it isn’t this bad in Firelands…

Sorry for bad English :smiley:

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not gonna argue, it’s bad, but they are some work arounds

  • magmaw: idk, never had problems in magmaw
  • on nef pull: you should probably keep your pet at defensive until you touch the floor and then put it to assist
  • on nef p2 again put it to defensive; tell it to move to middle of your pillar, start attacking the mob and then turn it to assist; if you wanna rdps nef during p2 you should again put it to defensive (unless maybe if it’s imp)
  • never had problems in p3; maybe your imp is standing on shadowy aoe’s
  • on anshall this happens when your pet/doomguard is on green aoe’s, which also silences and therefore pacifies pets; tell the pet to move out of it and too bad if your doomguard or any kind of guardian is in it
  • alakir p1: never realized this; should probably check logs
  • alakir p3: yeah, this sucks
  • edit: sinestra: yeah you have to use the move command but it’s not a big issue unless you juggle’ing targets for your pet

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