Why are rares in torghast friendly?

Why is he friendly with me?


We’re getting rid of violence in the game. Now you progress by spreading love and equality.


That is so odd. Is it every rare?



Nope, was just that one.


Maybe he was lonely and wanted a friend?


Supressor recognised you from the BDSM club you both frequent, and wrongly assumed that the “in club” rules are the same as “out club” rules.

I had this yesterday in a run. Clicked on him, threw a bomb on him and set a mine next to him - didn’t trigger anything.

Assumed it was a bug and moved on.

They are sick and tired of getting killed. Unlike other bad guys they seem to be conscious.

He needs you consent to attack you.


Try to use /spit on him and see if he turns hostile.

lol idk. Must be a bug.


Happened again earlier, this time on my shaman, at the exact same floor layout:

Maybe it means the Jailer gave you Sylvanas’ old job and is wondering why you haven’t arrived in the Sepulcher yet to help him figure out how the reality machine works?

Isn’t there an anima power that makes a random mob friendly to you for a while and they help you, could that be it?

Absolutely not. Far too sexual. In-fact, you even writing these words has repulsed me into another dimension.

I never pick that one.

It’s Christmas Feast of the Winter Veil in a bit more than 2 months.

And Grandfather Winter knows if he’s been naughty! So make love, not Warcraft :point_up:

Wasn’t there a room on the left in which you save a bunch of necromancers, and these folks will come to that guy & instead reveal that he’s a dreadlord ?

Happened to me once at the very least.

Never seen rare friendly in Torghast.

Or maybe the jailor forgot his birthday. So he letted his guard down