Why are spears in Necrotic Wake still a thing?

Back in Shadowlands it was already common feedback that it’s a dumb design where you get 1 try on a dungeon boss and if that fails you are unlikely to even be able to finish the dungeon.

Why in 2024 is this still here? Remove the spears, retune the boss.

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Remember affixes. -15s per death. Which means 1 wipe == ~ 1 minute less. THAT is a much larger key breaker than the spears.

Just saying… :slight_smile: Dont die.

All kinds of gimicky sht that you can minmax should be removed and never used again.

Spears in spires/necrotic wake, iron stars in iron docks.

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Mistakes happen, you’re already punished by the timer and wasted CDs, you shouldn’t be unable to kill a boss because of 1 time use mechanics.

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Mistakes happen and you are punished by them.

If you dont depleate the key because of them what is the point of a timer then?

Also. Right now its early in the season. Once you get gear, it wont even be necessary. It will be the difference between timing and 3 chesting.

And, as it was in SL, it will only be relevant for hight keys. And at those levels, there are some standards to be maintained. One of which is : dont wipe.


It’s the only key where it’s basically bricked if you fail, it’s an outlier, it needs fixing. I’m not even going to argue with you anymore because it’s a terrible design that the vast majority of players don’t like.

Its not the only key where if you fail 1 mechanic its bricked…

And I repeat… at what levels are you playing ? You clearing 10s or something ? You arent ?

Then you dont even need to use the spears to time it. Simply dont use them. :slight_smile:

It is only there to give you a slight edge, since the spears were significantly nerfed from what they used to be in SL. So I repeat : You ONLY need that edge at the highest of keys.

In SL 1 spear was 15 to 20% of a bosses health. Today its not even a 2%.

THEREFORE, anything bellow a 10+ (at the moment) it is 100% no… 1000000% unnecessary to use ANY spear in NW. And if you briked the key, its because you wiped and the timer is tight. Not because you cant use the spear anymore.

Stop complaining that anything that requires 1 neuron to execute is an “outlier”.

Because all the other dungeons also have “gimmicky things”… like in City of Echos. Did you notice that someone with Tailoring can have access to a 1-off stun ? Did you ? No ? Thought so. Because its NOT necessary.

The ONLY reason you whine about NW is because you remember using them in SL. But I repeat, they are a significantly nerfed out version of what they were.

GET IT ? So stop blaming “gimmicky” things for the fact that you wiped and were too slow in your pack pulls so you dont have any time left. Its OK bro. You will do it better next time. :slight_smile:

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Please stop replying to my posts.

OK. (one last one) :slight_smile:

I agree with OP either remove them or make them reusable on the boss u used them on

Most misstakes made can just be chalked up to skill issue get some more overall experience and it wont happen again since most dungeons have relatively the same type of mechanics. The thing is that the only way to ensure that this kind of misstake doesnt happen again is to spam that one specific dungeon which has this stupid thing over and over again.

I find spamming dungeons to learn specific mechanics OK. Its prat of the process. If you wanted to learn how to do a french style omelette you also need to spam omelettes until you get it right.

I find other things more annoying to spam. Homework keys being one of them. They should address that, and I dont know why Blizz is taking so long to do it.

But its not possible to spam practice is it unless you have access to tournament realm.

I don’t agree with that statement.

First, we are talking about NW here. But every dungeon has its “thing” that prevents you from timing it. Maybe its CoT 2 key levels higher… or whatever… You need to “practice” all 8 dungeons. Not just spam 1.

Second, as a player once you reach your “limit” of difficulty in M+ you quickly figure out that your Rio stagnates. Stagnating rio means that you continusly time keys 1 less than that theoretical “hardest”.

Il give you my personal example in S3 of DF…

It took me 22 tries of EB25 to time EB26. But meanwhile, I was also having trouble with DHT27. And ToT26… all those dungeons I also did 20 something times 1 key level less… So basically, I spent 2/3 months of S3 literally depleting my own keys to get those dungeons “just right”.

And I give you my own example. But it is valid for ANYONE. If you were struggling with EB22 at the time, you would be wiping to EB21 22 times… And the ultra-pros that were doing EB in 31 or something… well… they also needed to deplete 22 times an EB30…

Same concept across all levels. So yeah… In conclusion:

Dont worry. You WILL be spamming and depleating dungeons all 8 dungeons for “practice” over and over again. :slight_smile: No need for tournament realms.

You’re correct but also incorrect at the same time. The spears debuff the mobs so they take 20% more damage for 16 seconds. Also, who are you to decide what level is the correct one to use spears? There is only a few % of the playerbase doing keys above +10 right now, and the spears are clearly intended to be used by everyone.
You can look down on people doing lower keys all you want, but for the majority of players their key is dead if you wipe on that boss after using the spears.

Would be much better to simply delete the spears and nerf the abomination HP by another 10-15%, or maybe let the elemental that resets lust also spawn 1-2 spears so people can at least finish the run instead of having to quit at the end.

Either way, it was bad design in Shadowlands and it still is to design a dungeon around using a finite item.

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Also, OP is arguing that the key cannot be completed if you wipe on your spear pull, so countering with blah blah timing keys is missing the point.

I am not looking down at people. I am simply being mature about difgiculty.

There is always someone better and someone worse. An in the case of keys 7 and lower, it is perfectly possible to do that boss with out spears.

Think of it this way : if you need a 20% damage buff to kill the boss… I am 100% certain that mashing buttons better will produce that 20%. Not only in for that boss, but for the rest of the dungeon as well.

It is only in high keys where people already mash buttons perfectly where the spears are needed.

And second : 99% of the wipes there are caused by bad execution. In particular : hooking the boss the 1st time to get him down from the platform, and a 2nd time to prevent his chase.

And 100% of the cases its bad positioning. Casters sit in Narnia next to the entrance and only move when they are targeted. And of course, dont reach on time.

Its something that is easily fixed.

Yes, the wipe is usually caused by messing up the hooks, and while I agree that you technically don’t need to spears to kill the boss, doing the boss without them is objectively much harder. You basically have 1 “good” attempt on it. It’s obviously doable without them, if you manage the hooks properly. I had to do it myself on the first week when orbs from the affix were bugged and soaked the hook, so we had 2 adds up and no boss.

I just think that it’s one of those things that does more harm than good to the dungeon experience. If the spears are there, people will always feel like they have to use them, even if the solution in most cases is to simply play better. I don’t see the downside in simply removing them, and nerfing the HP of that boss/adds accordingly. For the skilled players it won’t make a difference as long as the fight duration is roughly the same, and for the rest it takes away the mental stress of thinking they have 1 attempt at a boss, or their key is dead.

Sure some dungeons are harder than others. But the thing is that if you are struggling on everbloom +20, then doing any other dungeon +20 will make you improve so that when you roll +20 EB again you will be a better player and therefore have better chances.

But not if if Everbloom has some stupid very specific EB mechanic that is exclusive to that dungeon, then it doesnt matter if you have 100+ timed +20s.

My story with EB is much longer than that. Before I went my 22 times to EB25 I did EB22 37 times just to get the mage boss right. I did it that way because at the time with my rio I got instantly invited to EB22s. It took me a bit longer to get invited to 25s.

I did that with EB because I got super pissed off that I could not heal that boss. I took that personal. Call me names if you want now… :smiley:

My point being that if its practice what you seek, you can find it. 100%.

I will agree on 1 thing here : Dungeons that have 1 specific part that is overly harder than everything else, like NW with that boss, is NOT a fun design.

Normally I would expect similar difficulty for all bosses and packs.