Why are survival hunters unpopular?

I didn’t enjoy Survival Hunter, it did to little damage and the melee was bad. It was different but worse.

Easy peest answer.

Majority of us picked hunter to be ranged not melee its that simple.

Now to be fair I love melee survival but ultimately I’d like full on range and range survival back but I also do Not want melee survival removed at all

As most of the hunters keep saying, we play hunter because we wanted to play ranged archer type of character and we had 3 different spec to choose.

I am playing survival atm because my favorite spec MM is pruned too much, it is slow and useless for a lot of the content (Soloing, PvP, even PvE due to restrictions to cleave) and BM is so dull for me and for good part of the expansion pets were so freaking bugged.

This expansion favors melee and that is with Surv spec as well, it is fast and engaging and you have some ranged option but it doesn’t feel like I am playing hunter at all but some different class :frowning:

I don’t think current Surv hunters are that bad, contrary it is fun, but its made for new players to love. Old players lost great spec and class identity for a spec that doesn’t belong to hunters.

It feels so dumb to have BOW as your class icon, but you equip POLEARM and fight in MELEE :persevere:

When there is bow and melee in same sentence obviously something is wrong.

What is next? Make affliction warlock or arcane mage melee?

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Don’t give the devs any ideas my friend, they may just do that :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s basically the clown spec. See you running around with that polearm, throwing hooks and pulling yourself in, dancing around people like a monkey. It’s just so repelling. And it’s a melee class, yes we’re in a time and age when a hunter after all it’s been through has come to using a melee weapon to do exclusively melee combat. They took a hard turn off the road with this one, and the only reason you see it played in arena, because combined with the freezing trap they manage to whip together something useful.

This goes to contrast to the other 2 specs who are in arena just not as competitive due to the excessive pruning and nerfs done to them.

I love Survival Spec, it is my new favorite spec in WoW and I rerolled to a Hunter because of it.
But I do understand that people want the ranged survival spec back, and I hope that we will get a 4th spec in Shadowlands which grants that request to everyone ends up happy.
I hate the Beast Master Spec though… Because they get Hati and I don’t =P


Just switched back to survival and loving the spec. Defo more fun than the other two. But I do miss not having a spirit beast

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Only new hunters likes melee surv, all other hates it cuz it destroyed the best hunter spec

Played hunter since vanilla, I like sv. Far better then the abomination spec bm.

Why sv is barely visible is probably because bm is just much easier and any retard can get good numbers with it.


u liked melee surv so much that u rolled priest, gotcha

I played Hunter since vanilla and I like melee SV, so keep the generalizations for yourself.

To elaborate a little more, I like SV more than the current BM, since SV resembles the Beast-master theme more than the actual BM spec itself nowadays.


Same here. Hunter since vanilla.
Love the SV BFA spec. “Sorry”

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I love melee surv too but I miss my old rand sv much much more I don’t want them to remove melee I find it really really fun plus it’s great in pvp so that’s a huge + but just let us have a 4th spec damn it range SV was great fubln

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How about we remove no specs whatsoever and if anything just create an alternate spec route

As if class > spec and You choose your talents hey I know let’s just bring back the old god damn talent system

Actually adding a 4th spec in the form of ranged SV without shorting out the state of the current will stretch the already thin line the themes of the Hunter specs draw from into a breaking point.

Current melee SV and MM both carry abilities from the old ranged SV and melee SV also carries BM abilities, I think you can understand the overlapping problem that this creates.

As for the old talent tree system, they wont go back there ever again. It needs a hell lot of work to create a good tree system and they already do a subpar work at the current system that is much more manageable.

The only problem is devs focus on specs over class I’ll be reserving judgement until holinkas shadow lands classes are out.

I trust holinka.

Oh and what I will say is if they bake ranged surv into MM seemlessly effectively two spdcs in one would work just fine

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The problem is the systems at play and their ability to improve on them.

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I 100% agree on the baking of MM and ranged SV. If it is done correctly it will create a very versatile and viable spec with more playstyles.

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I’ll be very interested to see what the class wise return of kill shot will mean for survival I guess it could jaust be like the serpent sting cross bow? Whip out and boom?

I can’t wait until kill shots back I’ve missed that ability so so much

Ooh youre survival? What’s the dps like? I’ve only played it in pvp really( I do love the pacing and abilities of survival though)

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No, it would not.

The fact that MSV borrows both BM abilities as well as some old SV-themed elements in general is not a necessity. It’s just a choice from the devs in terms of design.

They can easily steer it in another direction. The Legion-version of MSV actually managed to, a lot more than current MSV.

Having said that, some overlaps, at least when talking general themes and elements of design, is not a bad thing. It’s all part of the same class after all.

without shorting out the state of the current” BTW?

Sorry, not a native English speaker so would love it if you could expand on that a little.