Why are survival hunters unpopular?

Call me deluded, but I at least did and attained higher content than you’ve done so far and made better points than resolving to petty insults.

I have posted so many constructive threads. You just like to chime in with your anti-junglez crap all the time.

I don’t chime in with anti-you stuff though, I counter argue, sometimes with opinions, sometimes with facts and other times not to you specificly at all.

My previous comment still stands, don’t let the door hit you on the way out o/

Why do you even want SV buffs? You don’t do any PvE, and you don’t do any rated PvP. Like, you want to be stronger for world questing?

Spec balance is utterly irrelevant for the content you are doing.


Like I want the class to play like it used to, so i can do those things without feeling like i have a handicap.

And excuse you, if all i wanted to do was world quest and have a fun class while doing so. What f’ing right do you have to say anything to me, you aint paying my sub. so sthu pls and remove my name from your thought pattern. wasteman.

Seriously who calls people wasteman in 2019

I always get cheered when picked in a group “yay a ranged dps” before realising that I’m a melee to the bone :joy::rofl: I love survival and how easy it is to play.
And if affixes are bad I can simply go ranged, something that another melee can’t do!
It is unpopular I know and I like this way… it makes me feeling more unique :blush: one of a kind.

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To answer the question at hand: The reason Survival Hunter is so unpopular is threefold.

In order of importance:

  1. Essentially no one wanted the melee revamp. People were perfectly happy with the ranged Survival niche (which especially got to shine in PvP throughout MoP and WoD). Hunters play Hunter because it’s a ranged bow spec. This is the main reason no one plays it.

  2. The spec is too complex compared to other simpler specs/classes.

  3. The DPS is too low, if Survival was #1 everyone and their mother would play it even if they hated it, but as soon as it’s no longer #1 they would also reroll/respec.

So, the solution is easy: Re-introduce Ranged Survival. MoP version seems to be the version most people agree on as being the best (extremely mobile, no DPS abilities keeping you still, lots of CC & utility, almost no AoE dmg in the ST rotation). Probably should be brought back as a 4th spec but I wouldnt mind replacing MSV with RSV as it always shouldve been.

It’s true that most people picked hunter class at the creation screen fully intending to be ranged, but saying it’s complex just isn’t the case in PvE.

With the optimal setup, you are literally only pressing mongoose bite and kill command. You bomb once every 15 seconds, but other than that it’s a two button rotation. There are obviously ways to min/max this (The second KC charge being infinitely more valuable than the first for example) but this is not overly complex.

Similarly, the DPS doesn’t stop people playing it either. In Uldir when it was one of the strongest DPS specs in the game, still very few people played it.

I’m actually celebrating Christmas rn so Ill have to keep it short.

  1. Compared to DH and some of the other specs it’s much more complicated.
  2. It still saw a surge in Uldir, going from a whooping 3 players to 20. In percentages that’s an incredible increase :wink:.

Merry Christmas.

Would agree. Although, the MoP version, much like other versions of RSV as we had it in the past, would not suit the game as it is today. If we look at the core design as combined with things like talents and more.

This ofc depends on who you ask, but from my perspective, there are elements of each iteration of RSV that we’ve had in the past expansions which would make for fun, as well as useful, additions to a modern version of the spec.

Would be the optimal solution indeed.

This topic has, and will in the future, be(en) discussed/argued to death.

Should RSV have been brought into Legion like all other specs?


Was it wrong to replace it with a melee spec?


Is there no room within this class for a melee spec?

Yes there is.

So, if we try to look ahead from where we are now, there is little meaning really in reverting/deleting the new SV. It can co-exist along with BM/MM as well as RSV as a 4th spec.

Generally the short version of why surv is unpopular is the fact nobody really wanted the rework (As has been pointed out since it was revealed) and the fact we don’t bring anything to the table that other melees don’t already bring and do better for the most part.

But again unless you’re top 0.1% it doesn’t matter what you play and even then there’s been HoF survival hunters so just play what you enjoy.

I agree with the part about it’s utility compared to other melees specs and compared to BM.

I disagree that noone wants to play it, though. I remember a lot of threads about melee hunters over the years and I personally loved the idea of a spear-based Hunter.
I loved ranged-surv as well and would have preferred the option to play BM as melee instead, or have it become a melee-tank.

I’d really like to main surv Hunter again, but I can’t stand pure dps classes any more, especially if they are not that great in m+

And for each and everyone of those there were 5 against the idea of a melee hunter. Personally I’m indifferent, but sad my fave specc got reworked but I’ve adapted and accepted it since then lol.

Frankly be it tank or DPS, melee BM would make more sense as the original established lore had Rexxar a BEASTMASTER (since turned Survival) use axes.
I liken current Surv to be what BM should be, both fantasy and playstyle, but that’s my opinion on it.

I don’t blame you, being able to swap role as needed is awesome and only reason I keep alts ready on hand, but otherwise hunter will always be the main.

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Surv is a melee range hybrid though not a 100% melee spec

Because i dont like the idea of playing hunter whos allergic to damage in face-to-face combat

Too many people fail to notice this… Survival hunters can fill many GCDs without having to be in melee range, and specifically have a cooldown to give them bursts of ranged dps. I would speculate that it’s actually only about 33% melee overall.

OTOH, those shiny exotic pets you spent weeks collecting back in Wrath and Cata? Can’t have those as Survival. Sad times.

We are not the same kind of melee-range hybrid that was discussed in several threads, we have a 1min CD and I s2g if you play your hunter alt as survival and spend a third of a fights duration at range you are doing it VERY wrong my good guildie.

It is not a melee/range hybrid, it is just a 2-handed frost dk and arguably has all the changes that should have been made to the death knight.

Instead they ruined a perfectly good spec in legion survival AND left frost dk hanging.

Why cant Survival hunter be like Amazon in Diablo 2 like throwing spears ?