So first of all, I play on Argent Dawn which is worse than any other server out there. There aren’t any shards so the Alliance outnumbers the Horde 70/30.
I have to carefully pick my fights and even then I usually find myself having to deal with 2 v 1 situations or against groups. And while it is frustrating that’s World PvP. There aren’t any rules. I do wish World PvP was fair and prohibited but it isn’t. Stop expecting it to be.
Then again I do wish they simply removed the bonus incentives. It would solve a lot of problems.
Situation on RP War Mode shard Horde is much better than it was before. Up until 8.2 it was close to unplayable, you needed to shard away as horde, I remember getting the assassin buff and then going afk in New Home Nazjatar, alliance was attacking the place just to see wtf was a horde guy doing on their server.
Now the horde has started to fight back, and many AD alliance are turning off WM as a result, because AD was a RPvE server originally, only reason they went WM in the first place was because there was so many of them, it was free 25% bonus, even if there was a horde guy in the open, he would soon get 1 alli, 2 allis, 3 allis, etc. on him and die, alliance had free reinforcement always.
Now it’s changing a bit.
Maybe because horde create pvp grps via grp finder for all pvp quests and events, because here is a place where you can find alli to kill, unlike normal servers where horde dominates so much.
Maybe because gear matters so much nowadays if you’re a 1M terminator you can survive in Uldum, killing small grps and soloers alike.
Maybe AD allis reverted back to WM off after first time getting killed since WM was invented.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s still mostly allys running the place, but not as undisputed as it used to be.
Not really, there are players that do actually play the game.
There are players that actually cant play the game and form gank groups to gank those who do play the game.
Therefore WM bonus is a small “BAIT” for raiders M+ players ETC to just give “content” to whiners that only want to gank and do nothing else.
Personally i refuse to use it, i dont need it and i choose “time efficient” mode xD
Because people dont know how sharding works,they cry when they get corpsecamped (but when they corpsecamp others for quests it’s fine) and because many PvE/RP players turned WM On for the bonuses and they demand justice and fairplay because they think thats how WPvP should work.
Also couldn’t agree more, complain posts usually solve absolutely nothing at all. I don’t really understand what response people are expecting to their personal stories about getting ganked and what do they think Blizzard can do about that.
or because the system that should support WM does not work optimally.
fix the sharding problems then we could talk about it being something else, but as the way the sharding works now WM has problems major once at that to.
I dont agree with how it is possible to swap shards so easy as it is now not in WM, make it so you have to be in the capital city for swapping or make it so you always end up in the shard with the lowest amount of your faction on when swapping shards would improve it in my opinion
and that is where i disagree, it barely works at least as it is now.
it is easy to make more optimal, make it so that you can’t shard in more people into a shard that are ±10-15% balanced, make it so that every time you form a group you go to the shard where your faction is least represented in the groupe are just examples, heck make it so that you can only change shard in a capital city(here boralis and zaldalari both counts as capital citys amoung others like silvermoon and ironforge), instead of having it as it is now where you can basicly move a good deal of your faction into one shard to dominate it and have 0 risk with that, sure numbers are an advantage in wm but there are limits to the madness.
in a way that would be the result but if a group is sharded into your shard then that means your faction is still more present in the given shard so getting a groupe from that shard should not be hard, and it would not stop you from forming a group it would stop you from sharding people in, you can still make a group with the people in the shard.
Because warmode has devolved into this messy phase fiesta where its who can LFG the biggest party to just sit and camp at the quests instead of actually doing it.
and i dont like the current system as it just makes the WM being a safe way to get the bonus reward with a horde dominated shard and an alliance dominated shard with no real risk other then to the random guy soloing, now with the change that i suggest makes the risk equal as if you group up from group finder to screw the balance of the shard.
i’m a wow player nothing more nothing less, i play any aspect of wow.
so saying im a PVEer is true saying i’m a pvperis true saying i’m playing WM is true heck saying i’m a pet battler is true, i don’t say anything about how good i am at said aktiviety and that should really not be a part of the equation about warmode.
but ignoring the bonus(a part of WM) is just plain stupid, if it should be there or not is a different story, it is there so it has to be taken into account.
I have nothing against the chaos part of it, i do however have something against a semenly fair shard(with somewhat equal amount of people on each side) having one side shard in 50-100 people.
the definition of unfair is up for interpretation, we could make it so any shard you are in would be against you 9-1 always, that is one type of unfair, not very fun true but it would be unfair.
so unless you are going to define in what way you mean unfair then it is hard to argue against as I don’t know how you mean unfair, and what you call unfair i could call fair.
and you have not even mentioned my type of complained, i don’t want it to be like arena or a battleground, meaning i don’t belong in A, i want the WM bonus out mean i’m not B so that must mean there is at least a C option to if not more to.
I turn on WM for there to be the option to attack or get attacked if it makes sense for me at the time(not going to charge headfirst into 10 people alone for instance).
what i expect from WM is that people should not be able to mess with the balancing system and that is what they can do now, it makes unbalanced shards nothing else, as people takes the path of least resistance the majority of the time, any change to the system would still make it so people take the path of least resistance, but if that path is made so you don’t mess around with the balancing system and get somewhat fair(as in close to equal amount of people) opposing factions in the shards then i’m all for it, and if you were unlucky to get into a shard with no allies as horde or no hards as allies then joining a group would put you into a shard with the opposing faction as that would be the shard where your faction is least represented, it would still balance out the sides were as now it dont really balance out it just screw the shards into one side and let it stay there.