Why are there no male or female Dracthyr?

You don’t get banned in-game for what you say on forums.

This is how male Dracthyr should look while the current design should be female, still muscular but more lean in body type.


Look a bit too buff, imo.

Why not just use the size that General Draven has? Buff, but not overly so.

Fair enough… But hate on us for being furries after you get your scalie daddies. And Loa above I swear… Il pee on all your backpacks. And it shall stimk

Do that, and I’ll bring it to your caravan and trade it for a new one.

damm that belfie barbie got blasted to oblivion ;O


btw i dont see why there shouldnt be genders selection on dracthyr …but probably because american politics

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Hah! Jokes on you! I don’t have a family or Caravan! or… Friends!.. …Oh wait.

What??? You’re proud to be wearing nappies?

lol ok.

Did I ?

Didn’t notice tbh.

ah well.

I’ve got what you need! Special prices just for you.

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gimme Vulpera for alliance and i’ll probably roll every single alt as them cos of the extra HS.

There are genders, Puny has shown them?

You did read the whole thread I assume?

Might’ve just been scrolling through looking for some bias. Don’t judge.

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Is that friggin’ HORDE BIAS I smell!?

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Hey look, the lack of lizard dimorphism confuses and offends him.


Depends if it smells like BS in that posters case, so who knows.

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Depends on whether Horde or Alliance I think tbh


Retributor is ‘‘Captain Horde Bias’’ on these forums.

Anything regarding the Horde, even if its something bad for 'em, it’ll be Horde bias to him, because its Horde attention.

I am extremely pleased that they have not stuck an anthropomorphised chest on them. It would look utterly ridiculous.


but but but… muh dragon tiddies ;_;

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