My goodness. Maybe half of games I see at least one person lag switching. Sure real lag happens to anyone at any time. But these ‘lag spikes’ at just the right moment seem all so sus. Why isn’t blizz doing anything about this blatant form of cheating?
You talking about ferals blinking around the place?
I swear there’s something wrong with Fury Warriors. They’re often zooming all over the screen in arenas
its usually people using VPN that use lag switches
ive had it happen to me usually with Rogues or warriors
they will be normal until they start losing and then they start teleporting around the screen lagging whilst doing the same DPS
its not just this game either lag switches have been common in many games
- oh and the elephant in the room, most the time its a russian named player
i dunno if thats relevant information but its always a character with foreign letters
I guess that’s why it’s usually a person with Cyrillic name.
For some reason the server AC doesn’t disconnect people with erratic movement packets
i know this too well. i remember seeing someone wall glitching and flying in STV about a year or so ago
( looked like he was swimming in the air )
flying under the AC radar
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