Why are there still so many bugs in the UI?

As an example. Rep window:

  • Hallowfall Arathi bar missing (im max lv 25 if that matters?)
  • Change dropdown from All to Scrooloose → all TWW rep bars vanish
  • Untick “Show legacy Rep” option → All bars vanish except one called “The war within” faction 0/3000, what even is this faction?
  • Selected “All” and have legacy rep option unticked, Brann Bronzbeard bar vanishes

This is an example of many bugs currently in the game, mostly to do with the GUI. What is going on, is this stuff even tested?

EDIT: Changed the title to make it more clear what type of bugs i was referring too :slight_smile:


these days we pay the sub to test the product on their behalf .for a single player game you can ignore it for sometime as you are not losing sub money but for a sub based game they should hire people for such things or just get rid of limited time events .


I have this same bug too. Council and Deeps repos are also missing. They were showing before.

This is not a bug because they are choosing to show only non-warband reps, and all TWW reps are warband.

I have the same bug.

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I agree with you, OP. The UI is buggy and inconsistent. It’s getting very annoying.

I don’t know when they’ll fix it, but I hope soon.


I wish they’d just simply slow down with the patch cadence. I want to see more content in game yes (not like I’m not having fun with legacy) but I also want to have the current content bug-free. Slower patch cadence would give the devs more time to deal with bugs I think.


“These days” you say that as if this wasn’t always the case for wow. There hasn’t been a day in history, where wow wasn’t riddled with bugs.

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Hopefully you’re reporting all the bugs (via the bug report option ingame)? If not, the devs might not know about them.


That does jack unless it’s game breaking in recent and current expansion… there’s loads of bugs that haven’t been fixed that are 10+ years old.

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I dont remember getting a blue screen or a crash or even stuttering while playing legion

Some bugs are more than a decade (or two) old at this point with no fix in sight. But if the engineers dont get told to fix them and/or are put to work on something else they can’t get fixed in the first place. It also doesn’t help that beta and PTR get used for promotion mostly.

Sounds like you need to fix or replace your pc, my game runs fine. Bugs and stuttering is one thing, but blaming the game for blue screens? sounds highly unlikely.

I found the worse place for bugs is the thunder isle in MoP hundreds of the blighter’s there.

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My pc is very much fine . If it was a problem with my pc then it would had suffered far worse pc crashes in other modern games .

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If you’re getting BSOD’s your PC/Windows installation is very much not fine. The worst thing a usermode application can do is crash its own process.

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It was happening during the anniversary event .once that crappy event was over there has been no crash or bsod .i havent changed anything in my pc .
So like i said it is not my pc .my pc cannot magically have become correct once that event was over and i have 64 gb ddr 5 ram with nvidia 4070 and intel 14700k processor

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It could be your processor. Intel 13th and 14th gen processors have a problem.