Why are they continuing the anduin arc of being a complete wuss

Actually it probably would, being bipeds gives humans a colossal advantage in short distance movements and quick direction changes. However, you’re right it might not work and he might not be a good enough swordsman to pull it off. You know what it is though, A something you would have drilled into you when being training so it should be an instinctive response. B your literal only choice of fighting back.

No, his stance was terrible. it wasn’t a good guard and his movement was bad too. It’s why I complain so much. Honestly it would have made him look much better if he would have swung once had them back off and one descend from the ceiling behind him and cocoon him in web. There’s dozens of ways you could have had that play out where Anduin doesn’t come across as a weak ineffective ninny, they just chose not to use them.

Y’all have such a warped vision of Anduin, lmao. He doesn’t cry at all–he acts! He’s been through some horrible stuff in the past, spent several years tormented by his memories, and now is joining the fight despite not having the Light. When Faerin asks if he can heal, he truthfully says he can’t–but he helps with first aid instead. He sacrifices himself to save the people on the airship. He bravely forges an alliance with a race most see only as enemies, and approaches them with empathy.

Anduin is a strong character, just not in the bwah bwah big orc smash!! way.


Pretty much what is boils down to. He has shown and continues to show plenty of strenght and courage. He’s just not the stereotypical big strong grumpy warrior king.

I personally see a lot more anger and pain in him than crying. The expansion reveal cinematic captures it really well.

I mean if you’re going to analyze the quality of his stance or his footwork or whatever then you’ll find bad swordsmanship in pretty much every fight scene. For someone who doesn’t have knowledge of what proper swordsmanship stances and movements looks like which is just about 99% of the players, his intended stance is painfully obvious. He’s defensive.

Humour me for a second here, nerubians are significantly taller than him, almost every blow he will be facing is going to be from over his head, so why is he holding a mid guard not a high guard. Why is he moving slowly in the same direction and crossing which foot steps backwards destroying any stance he has, he’s making no attempt to break free just slowing walking into death of capture.

They are large long legged creatures, he should be trying to get close to one of them and use it’s size to manoeuvre into a more favourable position. There’s a difference between expecting some incredibly accurate fighting styles and seeing a character behave as if this is the first time he’s held a sword or been in a fight.

Illidan is now laughing hard :grin:


My points stands. These are worthless details for the casual viewer. He’s holding his sword in what looks like a defensive position to pretty much everybody.

It’s funny how when I mention a detail that isn’t strictly from the game you say that it’s bad storytelling yet now you expect the viewer of a cutscene to closely analyze the situation and evaluate proper sword stance and movement against a particular kind of enemy in order to determine whether a character has given up or is in a defensive position.

When you have to go to these lenghts to try and defend your opinion on a character’s motivation, you’ve already lost, because you could analyze virtually any sword fight cutscene and find all sorts of improper techniques, but you only do it for this one because that’s all you’ve got left.

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well, Ive finished the main storyline and he just helped me and Alleria beat back the big baddie and saved ****** with the light so he’s alright by me!

A spoiler warning would have been nice…

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Average gamer when a male character isn’t literally Duke Nukem : :sob:


Not at all, I actually was trying to be nice and not imply you’re being intentionally blind in your representation, and that anyone can clearly see that’s a weak backing off stance and not the stance of a brave or bold heoric character.

Anduin is constantly weak, timid, whining, and a no point really acts like a man, more like a little child still, needing to be hand held.

The “Trauma” he’s facing is no worse than literally every other memeber of the cast, so there’s no real reason why he is exclusively a whiny crying ##### about it.

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I’m willing to give them a chance with this. If this is the Anduin redemption axpansion then I’m fine with it. If Anduin is still a moping dishcloth by the end of TWW then I’d support a coup and let Turalyon be King.
His redemption can’t wait until 12.3 or 13.3, it has to happened 11.2 or 11.3.

The Heroes Journey has 8 steps and Anduin is at Step 6, TWW should be step 7 “The Ordeal” and finally step 8 is the reward which we need to get by the end of this expansion.
He’s been King since Legion and it’s time he acted like one. Sit on the Throne or take off the Crown.

Yeah no. He’s very obviously protrayed as defensive. You’re arguing in bad faith, grasping at straws, and you know it.

I don’t recall a character being subjected to years of constant psychological torture and mind control with little hope of escape, being turned into a killing machine and forced to turn on your friends while vividly experiencing and remembering every second of it.

I’m sorry that you don’t see that as a valid cause of “trauma”, but people get messed up by PTSD for life by much less.

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Well, in Cata and MOP he was a child.
In WoD he was nowhere (a mistake by the writers).
In Legion he lost his dad and had to responsiblity of Kingship thrust upon him. So a degree of Sympathy is warranted.
In BFA he was nowhere (a bigger mistake by the writers).
In Shadowland he did suffer massive trauma and again some sympathy is warranted.
In DF he was off crying in the Maw or somewhere (probably a mistake by the writers but could have been ok without the previous missed expansions).
TWW, time to step up and wear the crown be the king or ride off into the sunset never to be seen again. Let’s see if the writers miss another expansion.

I can they’re called the player, it’ s been a rough few expacs my guy.

But seriously literally every single Orc, all the dark iron dwarfs, Slyvannas, Varian. At this point it’s probably quicker to go through character that weren’t put through horrific trauma.

Right cos men expressing emotions is seen as “WEAK?”

The amount of morons in this thread.

I bet you all look up to Andrew Tate.

Get a perspective you sheep


I swear people just read one thing and then jump into a conversation, it’s been covered many times. No one is saying men shouldn’t show emotions, they are saying Heroic characters should not let their emotions rule them, and that facing your trauma and doing what needs to be done is what makes a character heroic. That’s the complaint with Anduin, all he does is whine and wallow in his emotion functionally letting it rule him.

You can disagree and believe that he does control his emotional state, but please don’t try and mis represent people by saying they think men should never show emotion.

I was replying to the very first post.
I’m on my lunch break.
I dont have time to read a novel.

Elaborate how literally every single Orc went through anything comparable to Anduin

I genuinelly don’t know their lore so either elaborate or I’ll take your word for it, tho I again doubt it’s anywhere near what Anduin was forced through.

She tried to off herself more than once and wasn’t exactly a stranger to being whiny and insufferable and straight up evil for the sake of it just because she felt bad.

As for crying, here’s two of her default greetings:
“What joy is there in this curse?”
“What are we if not slaves to this torment?”

Went through some crap but I don’t see it as comparable.

It’s one thing to see your alies, friends or family hurt or killed, but it’s a whole another thing to be mind controlled into being the one killing or hurting them without being able to stop it while being held captive and have your mind constantly inavaded in the Warcraft equivalent of literall hell. I don’t know why it’s so controversial to believe that something like that can mess a person up real bad for a long time.

Especially considering that people get affected differently by the same thing. While some soldiers can come back from war and be more of less fine, others come back mentally messed up for the rest of their lives.

Orcs where enslaved by demons, the Path of Glory was literally them genociding their way through the dark portal and they lament what their people did.

They were a brutal people but being enslaved by demons they became monstrous.

Their home world destroyed and on the new world after being freed from the demons control were enslaved. Granted they did alot of brutal and evil crap, and not all of it is at the feet of the legion. But they suffered plenty.

They were enslaved, by both Deathwing and Ragnaros, their will taken from them and forced into servitude, for millennia.

That’s what she become, pre BFA she was a pretty impressive character that went through a serious amount of crap.

I’m sorry having you soul ripped into two and being enslaved and forced into gladitorial deathmatches for years, I believe close to a decade? Not even knowing who you truly were anymore is not enough trauma for you :rofl:

Basically Jaina and Thrall are the only two characters that haven’t had either their mind or body completely violated by some horrible entity.

Brutal was forced to become more brutal.

Anduin was literally puppeteered to become the antithesis of what he stand for.

Couldn’t find anything about literally having their will taken over. Sounds more like enslavement by force. I’m not sure either Ragnaros or Deathwing have the power of mind control. At best Deathwing might have been a medium for void whispers to drive them insane.

And she tried to take cowardly “easy way out” as you call it.

I don’t know, it seems what Anduin was forced into isn’t enough for you, so it’s hard to tell what is allowed to mentally mess up a person and what isn’t.

Like I said, different people have different reactions to trauma. I wouldn’t fault Varian if he was affected differently, and don’t fault Sylvanas for her feelings.