Why are you removing the only viable pvp talents this specc has in PVP why are you nerfing the damage this class does now which is bad already this season in pvp even more ?
If you dont want to buff the specc why nerf it even more ? time to change my 5 star review to 1 star thank you very much and also see you in season 3 after what you reallise you have done to this specc in PVP
Ret is already not in a good spot and your are damaging even further disgraceful now wonder players are quitting this game and choosing not to PVP anymore .
Take into account the casters & rogue metas and add the AOR removal not to mention the 50% nerf in passive healing?, NO the spec won’t be fine in s2…
It actually needs buffs not nerfs
We don’t have a single viable PVP talent left…
This is a joke and hatred against RETs, any logical human being would abstain from s2.