Why aren't realms merged, is it fear?

Can anyone explain why the tons of basically near-empty/low pop realms on Retail aren’t merged and consolidated? Is Blizzard afraid closing realms will cause a chain reaction of people leaving?

The super weird cross-realm/phase shifting/interdimensional gameplay hurts the game more, in my opinion, it makes the game feel way more like a Lobby driven ARPG than an MMO.

HOW is this acceptable in any MMORPG? How does a designer look at that and go, “There’s no urgent issue there.”

No wonder Classic just tramples on Retail. The people in charge of current WOW have very little sense of what community/world is, they probably already all raid with their buds on discord after work, oblivious as to why sub numbers steadily dropped, so it’s all good, let’s just keep building badass raids for Method, bros!

Broooo, Mythic+ ESPORTS, bruuuuu!!!

It’s absolutely maddening seeing things so obviously wrong and stupidly simple do so much damage to this world. It’s WORLD of Warcraft, not Warcraft: Online, Ion! Stop jury rigging this mmo into something it isn’t, then it’ll fire on all cylinders again, like it did back in the day.


Because thousands of players would loose their names, guilds and mail ?

Some characters have been there for years, it wouldn’t be fair to give them a forced rename while Xrealm tech can deal with most issues already.

At least that’s how previous merges were done in the past.


Because most activities can be done cross realm anyway, merging is pointless and would create more problems than anything.


:roll_eyes: Maybe Retail deserves to die, if this is the general consensus going around.


Because people are paying money for blizzard to transfer their character. How is this so hard to understand?

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Connecting realms doesn’t make you lose anything.

I play on connected realms and have two characters of the same name.

While OP just seems to have some sort of “classic overqueue” seizure, starting one thread after another, there is the problem of some realms being virtually deserted, yet Blizz doing absolutely nothing about it - like they’ve done in the past, merging them.

Transferring characters usually means you also have to change your name (especially on higher pop realms), so not everyone is keen on adding those stupid special characters to their name they have been using for so long. At least that’s how I see it.

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They should at the very least connect more realms…

We don’t need merges, but connect more realms.

Auchindoun-Dunemaul-Jaedenar for example are three servers, but function like one. Connect more dead/low-pop realms.

A-D-J could certainly use more players.


Except trading, AH and guild (although communities are x-realm). Low pop realms have trouble finding new people to join their guilds, have trouble selling things on the AH, and an even harder time buying anything but bfa crafting mats from the AH.


I mean OP talked about merging servers, not connecting them.

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Merging would not be doable but connecting is something that blizzard should’ve done ages ago. It’s exactly the same thing except you get the realm tag near your name.

But this would make blizzard not sell transfers anymore from dead realms so i guess it will never happen.

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Connected realms won’t make you lose your names, guilds ect. I think they’re likely ignoring the plight of low pops because it’ll basically be admitting things have hit rock bottom and the investors won’t like that, plus, how will they make money from the desperate folks on low pops if they actually help them?

This is likely part of the sad truth… Someone at Blizz likely thinks that if they just make the people on low-pop realms suffer long enough they will cough up the money for realm transfers.

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they realy could easily connect arround 6 to 10 realms whit eachother if they wanted to I think, what would make things way easier than now, but seems they like to se people transfer to silvermoon or any other high server instead, what is now happening probably in an alarming pace.

Almost everyone has the problem. I play on two of the biggest servers (AD, Draenor) and nothing really sells anymore. Transmog, mounts, pets, valuable items - absolutely nothing.

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Crafting mats always sell… Problem is you have to compete with multiboxxers that flood the market, as well as people who play the AH obsessively…


I am on Outland, almost everything sells, even the blood sausages from Uldir era.

I lost track tbh. I don’t know what “server” means, do you mean a database that is a pool of character names and guild names?
When I played retail in BFA, and especially since last patch, I was never with people from my “server”.
I was always sharded, then instantly sharded to another shard, and another, sometimes in the middle of a 90% enemy place, sometimes the opposite, getting dragged around like a ragdoll.

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What is hilariously frighting, is there are people who will defend this nightmare, while subs keep tanking, this game is in a weird place right now. :crazy_face:

I can understand why they are reluctant to merge realms.

But i cannot, really cant understand why we dont have a big pass on connecting all the low population realms into several groups with a much healtier amount of players.

Why cant 3 low population realms be connected with others and form a group of 10 or something?
Isnt that something that would have a very good impact to the game?

If its only about the money from realm transfers, i find it short sighted.
Good gains in the short run, bigger losses in the long run.


It’s like nobody even understands what this does to the village-like-community of a realm; let alone the devastating effects it has on high-end raiding, trading, and guilds, which as we all know cannot be done cross-realm.