Why aren't realms merged, is it fear?

Sure, buddy :+1:

The truth is, Activision-Blizzard fear the loss of PCM money. Simple as that. It seems the PCM income far surpasses the sub loss which means they’d rather have empty realms and people paying to migrate away from these graveyards, instead of healthy populated servers with players happy enough to not pay for migrations.

That’s one theory, a bit too cynical for my liking, though, but it might be, though some publishers have shown to go beyond braindead for short term gains.

The simple fact is, some people prefer low pop realms as they are generally nowhere near as taxing on their system, if they merged the servers then these people would feel forced to pay to migrate away from the new high pop server created through a merge.

There, now theres a counter arguement for PCM money, fire away.

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there is absolutely no excuse to not connect more realms absolutely NO excuse.

now even our 5/8m guild died because it was already hard enough to find people on our realm but also classic came (+ the rtded benthic system on top ap grind)

at this point i think its a legit question if they want to kill it on purpose

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Considering the way many people go out their way trying to belittle BfA, it seems those trolls seem to care as when people really wouldn’t care then they not make countless of attempts trying to remind everyone how bad it is.

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Basically Blizz killed themselfs. Classic will steal retail players > later classic will become too booring > they will try to return to retail > they realise the progress lost while playing classic > they will quit both games. This scenario will happen with at least 30-40% of the playerbase.

and connecting realms does the same effect as merging, and people dont loose their names,guilds and whatever.

merging is not,connecting they should do.

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I never said they shouldn’t.

lets try put as much push behind one thread for dead realms and server populations instead of making multiple posts and diluting the issue.

I hate phasing mechanic with all my heart. Not only it ruined the sense of community on a server along with you building infamy/fame on a server it can mess a lot with quests using phasing if you faction-change.

If names are an issue just bloody use our battlnet names as we do already and let players use any name they like. End of story.

By merging? I don’t think so. I was on The Sha’tar when it was merged with Moonglade and Steamwheedle Cartel, nothing like that happened at all.

I’m on Auchindoun-Jaedenar-Dunemaul and it saddens me to look for a current expansion gem or flask on the auction house only to find one or two of the mentioned items, and quite often at a ridiculous price of 4,444,444 gold. I can ask a question in trade channel at peak hour and receive no replies; the channel isn’t used for anything other than the odd boosting advert.

It feels like a ghost town, no server should be like this.

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I burned out, I no longer care about benthic or neck levels. Well if I ain’t allowed in mythic for not having 4+ peices at 425 benthic IL or not having a 65 neck. Screw it at this point. I do not play WoW to 24/7 farm IEs, WQ (dailies) and to play every mode possible because of BiS essence that’s locked behind rated PvP. No I hate RBG, yes Bliz I really do now stop your fanboys from saying “You didn’t even try it this patch!”, I simply never enjoyed rated PvP. It’s too structured for my taste.

But at the same time now the summer break is over* I wanna go back but I don’t wanna farm it out anymore. This mental break of 2 months sort to say showed me I’m just extremely unhappy doing this content on farm and that it reflects into/affects my RL mood aswell. Here is to hope they get rid of AP farming next expac forever. I just wanna do content where I can target gear (so as an example for raiding preparation: x dungeon boss drop pre-raid bis y and z profession has this BoE) instead of playing for RNG lootboxes or AP grinding boring content.

*I had to work the entire break and even lost all my vacation days! I had nearly 8 weeks which now will get paid out instead (the new pc is gonna be a monster)… with the promotion only tops 2 weeks left and they are already reserved to spend time with my family, 1 week family vacation and last week of this year where I always as a standard my entire life have taken that week off. Yup I never worked or want to work between Christmas and the 2nd of January! I wanted to take off a week for classic but alas wasn’t even able to take a single day off in August like I planned… I always take no matter what 1 week off in the summer:(

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Names are not the issue.

Type /groster to show the actual guild roster.
Then click on someone in the guild roster, then run this…
/run local i= GetGuildRosterSelection(); local na,ra,rai,lv,cls,zn,no,off,onl,b,clsbig,achp,achi,f,g,rep,cid=GetGuildRosterInfo(i); print(i,na,ra,rai,lv,cls,zn,no,off,onl,b,clsbig,achp,achi,f,g,rep,cid)

what you get back is

index, name, rank, rank index, level, class, zone, public note, officer note, online, ?, classbig, achievement points, achievement rank, ?, ?, guild rep status index, Unique Character Identification

When someone does a name change, the Unique Character Identification number/code remains the same. As someone suggested, allowing a two part name would not be such a problem. They could either allow us to use a dash in the name (as there already is with Name-Server), or simply add another column in the database for second name, (and a second edit box on the character creation screen) and then handle the spacing (“SPACE” or “-”) programmatically.

Essentially the name we see in the interface is cosmetic anyway - and the program uses the unique identifier for characters.

It would be a bit of work to set-up but I don’t see any big issues with making it work.

Then they can merge more realms.

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no, this is bad. too many people have naively used their real name for battlenet. there are too many ways already that irl stalkers (ex bf/gf etc) can track players. having this would mean that online stalkers could abuse this too.

as the above post says, each character/account has a unique id which should cover any game interaction. and the player interaction (sending mail, sending whisper) can be dealt with by having a surname.

its quite simple really if the only issue is name duplication on connected/merged servers. and mail is not an issue like someone said. blizzard can just take whatever is in the mailbox and put it in the players bags/bank/void storage.

blizzard is just being lazy.

Well for one there are different typed of realms: Normal and RP, also back then there was PvP. The game would have to get rid of either RP or Normal realms, and I’m positive no one would like to have nothing but just one type of realm. Also having only one realm would cause a tremendous amount of lag from the amount of players there are across every realm put together, enough to cause the game to crash for many people.

Nagrand / Kilrogg / Runetotem
on a sunday morning… less than 350 characters online.
That is less than would be online in 3 guilds on a classic server.

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