Yes, what you said! I even remember blizzard asked the community what they would prefer: “connecting realms or merging realms?”. People didn’t wanna merge because of even the smallest complaints like loosing their server name that they felt ment something to them. Merging realms would make wow look more healthy, but the community screams NO so…
Why players will be forced to change name? Because you say so? Because you keep insisting in an old restriction that does not exists anymore?
To merge realms they dont need that names are unique, they only need some unique data to identify characters and name + originsl realm is that unique value
If the realms have very low population, i dont see what is the problem if they would be connected with 15 or 20 other realms, forming 1 in essence.
Having the char name and realm of origin would solve all problems related with the names.
Because if names didn’t need to change you would already be able to have duplicated name on the existing realms.
And what is the problem in having duplicate names? The game does not need character names to be unique, it requires an unique data and that already exist: name + original realm
You just asked why the names had to change if a merge happened and I just said that if it they didn’t need to change you could already have duplicate names nowadays.
But if you are asking me why I don’t, personally, think duplicate names are really a good idea is just because things like “Bob and Bób” is bad enough, imagine having 30 Bob running around. Unless you are talking about like “Bob-ArgentDawn” and “Bob-Whatever”, which wouldn’t makes much sense having on the same realm.
Well, it does not seem that problem actually happens in the realms that have already been merged, the conected ones. Just because a problem exist in your imagination does not mean is real.
I don’t know what you mean by a problem in my imagination, but sure.
I don’t even understand why coming up with different names is such an issue. My first MMORPG is from 1997 and names being locked globally many of them are claimed, even obscures one. It doesn’t take much imagination to come up with a name. Mine is just my favorite musician’s pseudonym slightly rearranged and I have yet to see someone using it besides me.
The problem in your imagination is the “imagine having 30 Bob running around”. In the realms that are already merged/connected no one says they have problems because there is 3, 4 or 39 Bobs. You could imagine any hypotetical scenario, but that not mean it will actually happen in the real servers. You can imagine a server with 30 Bobs, it does not means it exist.
Actually i talking about that because I talking that connected realms is the same as merging. And that makes total sense if two realms are connected/merged, to allow people to keep their name from their original realm.
You’re right, it won’t exist if people actually get different names.
Once again, I don’t understand what’s the problem of getting a different name. But sure, if you personally enjoy having “YourName-RealName” more power to you. Personally, I already find it kinda tacky when it happens with people from other realms due to phasing.
I doubt that Blizzard will actually merge realms unless the game goes into the few thousands of active players.
Well, I have a problem with people being forced to get a different name when there is no need to do that. Realms has already been merged without changing names, so I have a problem with names being changed just because you have the false believe that merges are not possible without doing that.
Well, you are a few years late. Blizzard has already merged realms since MOP. They create the system of Connecting Realms precisely to merge realms, but Blizzard will never admit that, they want to keep the illusion the game has the same number of realms today than in WOTLK to avoid bad press.
So, realms have been merged but in the login screen there is the same number of realms, just many of those realms are the same realm, if three realms are connected it only means the same realm is triplicated in the realm selection screen, those three are the same realm.
And you are proof that they did a great job with this system because they reduced the number of realms and at the same time players like you still believe Blizzard won’t ever do that.
Once again, that sounds like a conspiracy theory. I think that’s my cue to move on.
Just because you believe is a conspiracy theory does not mean it is. I have given many times arguments about why connected realms are merged realms, your only argument is that you think is not possible to merge realms without forcing change names and that only prove that you are not competent enough to know how to make such merge, but those not mean Blizzard developer can be more competent and create such system. Is okay, you are not a developer, you do not need to being able to develop the merges or even understand how it works to play it.
Sure, buddy
The truth is, Activision-Blizzard fear the loss of PCM money. Simple as that. It seems the PCM income far surpasses the sub loss which means they’d rather have empty realms and people paying to migrate away from these graveyards, instead of healthy populated servers with players happy enough to not pay for migrations.
That’s one theory, a bit too cynical for my liking, though, but it might be, though some publishers have shown to go beyond braindead for short term gains.
The simple fact is, some people prefer low pop realms as they are generally nowhere near as taxing on their system, if they merged the servers then these people would feel forced to pay to migrate away from the new high pop server created through a merge.
There, now theres a counter arguement for PCM money, fire away.
there is absolutely no excuse to not connect more realms absolutely NO excuse.
now even our 5/8m guild died because it was already hard enough to find people on our realm but also classic came (+ the rtded benthic system on top ap grind)
at this point i think its a legit question if they want to kill it on purpose
Considering the way many people go out their way trying to belittle BfA, it seems those trolls seem to care as when people really wouldn’t care then they not make countless of attempts trying to remind everyone how bad it is.