Why Aren't YOU Enjoying the War Within?

Let’s hear it.
Pre-order early access , made 5 of our raiders quit. It was horrible for those people just watching your guild mates have fun , lvling up. They just sat there in Valdrakken twiddling fingers. I had 3 lvls 80s before they could even play. Worse they nerfed lvling at the same time.
Sadly It was too successful , I can see them doing again for Midnight. When Ion was asked about it , you could see it wasn’t his idea or felt confortable about it.

I don’t like the main storyline being time gated. I feel it’s antiquated. So many free to play games give me everything. Why is it when I’m paying full boxed price + sub I’m locked out of content I paid for.

The gearing system is horrible , yes you get to 610 fast , then it’s litterally waiting for a wednesday reset. On how many toons. It’s demotivating and just makes me think " why am I doing this ? " there’s so many amazing games out there I could be playing than doing the same dungeon again and again and again …
Why do I need valorstones to upgrade my gear anyways ? Like there’s so many levels of crests. Why add more BS to a BS system.

Raiding . I like the raid , but it looks samey and meh .
They need to break up raids. The huge 8 -12 boss raids need to go. Give us 3 raids , broken up. Different themes and settings to avoid boredom.
yeah I know the next raid in 11.1 is going to be a big old raid again. All Goblin themed , I’m telling we will all be sick of it after week 6 of seeing the same thing. Variety is the spice of life afterall , it’s why we don’t eat the same thing every day.

Raid gear : Every week , I mean every single week on Discord. I hear a player saying " Is it any good ?"
Why are we having to ask this question each week.

The crafting system is frustrating and annoying. Pitfalls and traps. I need to look at charts and guides just to understand it. Too much , just let me enjoy professions again.

Performance : World is laggy , raid is laggy. Frames drops everywhere , people crashing constantly. Micro disconnects from Bnet for absolutely no reason.
All the people in my guild have SSD’s and 3060’s and much higher. 30 man is impossible to play. 20 man mythic is impossible to play.

Outdoor world content like the theatre either runs fine or just unplayable , when it’s unplayable , even when you hit criteria for completion the game thinks you haven’t.

Delves are boring , they’re not fun. Brann is so useless. I get it , easy loot for alot of people. I’m done with them. Won’t go in them anymore.

M + just feels bad , give us back how it was in DF season 2 and 3. Yeah it was easy but everyone wanted to run keys. Now we got the problem where people want to do keys with mains only. Alts aren’t going in and that’s causing tank / heal shortages.

Chris Metzen came on stage and told me , you , everyone who played WoW. It’s time to come to home … it’s making people leave. That’s very sad.

So tell me why you think it’s a perfect game ?


i did not buy it (as always i arrive 1-2 years later due to my busy schedule) but before this topic explodes with complaints… someone celebrated shadowlands the other day. like, let that sink in. it’s not a matter of bad expansion, more like “current expansion”. now, i leave you all to the bitterfest while i pour myself some (vegan) eggnog and watch this topic from afar.

vegan egg nog sounds nice. I’m not a vegan myself. But I have swapped some food items to vegan alternatives.

vegan ben and Jerry’s is way way better than original. My carnivore friends agree.

Never found end game to be that interesting after a few weeks. I don’t raid or do M+, I find it terribly boring and too twitchy. Outdoor stuff is chill but gets stale as well; delves were not what I thought they’d be.

Siren’s Isle and more importantly, Undermine, hold 0 interest to me. It isn’t where I wanted to go. I enjoyed my first run of 70-80 and doing all the quests, I half enjoyed getting to 600ilvl but I just cba.


For a fee. I’m serious, you’re in trial mode in F2P games and everything you can imagine, is locked behind extra fees which would’ve costed you more than a simple sub would’ve.

The timegate is to ensure everyone starts from the same checkpoint so to speak. Or you get things like this thread where people complain there’s nothing left to do.

To upgrade your gear :smiley: it’s a little bit of a circular argument but that’s the current gear up path instead of giving you literal new gear +1 ilvl.

I do hear this more often, I think they’d need a more guided walkthrough to it and/or simplify it a bit or introduce mechanics later.

I myself got an anicent card and nearly can’t play X_X (1060)

it really is! very cashewy and cononuty!

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Unlike you I am very much enjoying playing right now, and when I don’t I’ll stop.


I think you need to write to santa for a 3060 minimum. It’s not too late , 3 weeks left , he will get it.

You have been good this year though ?

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I’ll write to Santa for a totally new PC and 4x4060’s >:c

I’ll make sure to hide my alliance hill of corpses well.


I agree on most you say apart from this, i have no issue in either size. I do not think this is the “norm” for all.


I started playing with a handful of friends in early Oct, and they’ve all more or less quit TWW. Someone does the occasional login to do a weekly, but thats about it.

I’m reaching my tipping point as well. My 3 lvl 80’s are all 616-618 ilvl and I’ve basically both run out of stuff to do, and gotten bored with the stuff that I used to want to do (check vault every wednesday only to get disappointed and take tokens instead, while doing the same handful of weeklies/delves every week is only fun for so long…)

All faction reps are maxed out as well, so when my sub runs out I’m probably out.
Season 2 might bring me back but I’m not crossing my fingers.

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Isn’t Great Father Winter and orc anyways ? I’m sure he doesn’t mind.

That’s not nice to say to Great Father Winter. I’m quite sure he’s just green and related to the Grinch in some way but not an Orc.

alot of great points i agree with

but the future is bright
i mean housing will be nice
and they bringing more and more reputations account wide

they allso understand to give people these cosmetics old and new
obtainable and unobtainable

what im looking for is refresh old zones
not like cataclysm lmao
never played it. always hated it. i think cataclysm did only garbage to wow world but oh well

i mean doing something like renewing zones like dark shore or silithus

i dont want to go down to ANOTHER HOLE IN EARTH god knows where inside malignant tunnel

and undermine pretty much is it >.<


I’m asking those who didn’t do the early access stuff. Do you feel behind? Is it worth quiting the game over it?

Needs more snakes.

No, they don’t only live over ground, pretty much all their buildings are under the desert!

as even 633 ilvl and all M+11 most at ++ is not enough to get a decent m+12 group im just doing 8xM10 and waiting for next vault to get some garbage, next week i will probably get 3x 2h weapons for my frost dk, while messing with alts at least path of exile 2 is out so ill have something to do while i ramp down and possibly cancel wow til s3 or s4 as s1 is over

isn´t it time we had a “why DO you enjoy the war within?”

Why would people feel behind when literally all you could do was level. I think less people will buy it next time (if they do it) because despite Blizzard saying there would be no advantage many people bought into the hysteria that they would be behind if they didn’t buy it.

Several of our raiders won’t bother with early access again because they didn’t have enough to do and there was no advantage. The content they wanted to get into was timegated.

In contrast I loved the chill EA where I could just get on with the profession army and get them all ready and set up before I had to start gearing my main.

Whether or not they’ll do it again remains to be seen.


I agree with this sentiment.

There basically has to be more things I enjoy than dislike. I’m never going to like everything, that’s unrealistic.

If there are too many things I don’t like or I find it too awful to play I’ll take a break.