Let’s hear it.
Pre-order early access , made 5 of our raiders quit. It was horrible for those people just watching your guild mates have fun , lvling up. They just sat there in Valdrakken twiddling fingers. I had 3 lvls 80s before they could even play. Worse they nerfed lvling at the same time.
Sadly It was too successful , I can see them doing again for Midnight. When Ion was asked about it , you could see it wasn’t his idea or felt confortable about it.
I don’t like the main storyline being time gated. I feel it’s antiquated. So many free to play games give me everything. Why is it when I’m paying full boxed price + sub I’m locked out of content I paid for.
The gearing system is horrible , yes you get to 610 fast , then it’s litterally waiting for a wednesday reset. On how many toons. It’s demotivating and just makes me think " why am I doing this ? " there’s so many amazing games out there I could be playing than doing the same dungeon again and again and again …
Why do I need valorstones to upgrade my gear anyways ? Like there’s so many levels of crests. Why add more BS to a BS system.
Raiding . I like the raid , but it looks samey and meh .
They need to break up raids. The huge 8 -12 boss raids need to go. Give us 3 raids , broken up. Different themes and settings to avoid boredom.
yeah I know the next raid in 11.1 is going to be a big old raid again. All Goblin themed , I’m telling we will all be sick of it after week 6 of seeing the same thing. Variety is the spice of life afterall , it’s why we don’t eat the same thing every day.
Raid gear : Every week , I mean every single week on Discord. I hear a player saying " Is it any good ?"
Why are we having to ask this question each week.
The crafting system is frustrating and annoying. Pitfalls and traps. I need to look at charts and guides just to understand it. Too much , just let me enjoy professions again.
Performance : World is laggy , raid is laggy. Frames drops everywhere , people crashing constantly. Micro disconnects from Bnet for absolutely no reason.
All the people in my guild have SSD’s and 3060’s and much higher. 30 man is impossible to play. 20 man mythic is impossible to play.
Outdoor world content like the theatre either runs fine or just unplayable , when it’s unplayable , even when you hit criteria for completion the game thinks you haven’t.
Delves are boring , they’re not fun. Brann is so useless. I get it , easy loot for alot of people. I’m done with them. Won’t go in them anymore.
M + just feels bad , give us back how it was in DF season 2 and 3. Yeah it was easy but everyone wanted to run keys. Now we got the problem where people want to do keys with mains only. Alts aren’t going in and that’s causing tank / heal shortages.
Chris Metzen came on stage and told me , you , everyone who played WoW. It’s time to come to home … it’s making people leave. That’s very sad.
So tell me why you think it’s a perfect game ?