Why Auras and not Seals? Make Paladin Great Again!

Why did we get Auras back but not seals? Auras in their current state are a weak and neutered version of past iterations. Blizzard removed passives and made them into auras that now must be set manually, literally a step back in design.

Revert Crusader & Ret aura back to passive abilities and create new auras that have relevance for different combat situations, not just a boring 3% damage reduction.

My ideas:

Aura of Freedom: Grants the Paladins and their allies resistance against movement impairing effects, reducing their effectiveness by 15%.

Aura of Wrath: Grants the Paladin and their allies 2% increased damage to enemies around them. Bonus is doubled if multiple allies attack the same target.

Seals defined paladins back in the day, they are what differentiated us from Warriors and other melee classes, we use the light to enhance our melee swings in various different ways, like doing extra holy damage, or to heal ourselves.

My proposal:

Seal of Command: Grants your melee attacks a chance at an additional attack, dealing holy damage and causing your judgement to bounce to an additional target.

Seal of Light: Causes your melee attacks to heal you for a small amount, casting Judgement on an enemy with Seal of Light active weakens your targets next 2 attacks, dealing less damage to you.

Seal of Wisdom: Causes your melee attack a chance to grant you a small amount of mana, casting Judgement on an enemy while Seal of Wisdom is active will reduce the cost of your next 2 Crusader Strikes against your target by 50%.

These are just a few ideas from the top of my head, I think having 1 unique seal for each spec will bring back some identity that paladins have been missing for many years while keeping ability bloat to a minimum.

Paladins get closer and closer to warriors with each expansion as identity gets slowly stripped away, leaving behind warriors with yellow particle effects.

Thanks for reading.


I agree, auras were meh and are still pretty set and forget.

As regarding seals, I do think seals of truth, righteous, insight, light and justice should all be brought back as class wide.

The seal system imo was just an illusion to actually do stuff at a time when we had nothing to do, we didnt have a lot of attacks in the past.

Seal - judge - seal. 3 buttons pressed, 1 attack made.

That would just severly bloat our bars if that system was implemented back today. Remember you are asking for several diffrent kinds of seals to come back or make some new ones aswell and thats only if you are asking for the classic version of the seal system. WotlK had 3 diffrent judgments aswell to sepperate the debuff they gave from the seals.

The seal system should remain in the past, kinda like auras should have but atleast auras wont hinder nor bloat gameplay.

This is just flat out False information and wrong. Devo aura was a flat amount of armour increase ret aura was a flat damage (not a high amount at all) Crusader aura is literally not changed from the old version, the anti silence one is also a repeat from the old days.

Ok you are new to paladin otherwise you would know that you are lying here.
YOU DO NOT WANT ret to have the passive because it means ret is balanced around it procing even the new ret aura is just bad.
And to make it clear Crusader Aura is the original form.

Seals are just passive buffs or a gcd you press to do a judgment, i get the romantizised version of these but come on wake up it was not good.

Bad Bad and Bad.

First one ret is just an RNG chance of making judment a cleave.
Second Prot is just a different version of blessed hammer. With parts of the old seal that we still have for the whole raid in judgment of light talent.
Third is just a changed seal/judgment of wisdom from guarnateed to give mana to an RNG chance of giving mana and the crusader strike ability should not cost as much mana as it does right now in the first place.

  1. Xendra was obviously referring to BFA ret where we had Heart of the Crusader and Retribution as passives.
  3. It’s worse than before when they were both up guaranteed.
  4. Nobody gives a crap about original forms.
  5. They could have kept Heart of the Crusader passive… such noob devs.

First, reread my post, you are just making assumptions.
Second, no i am not new to Paladin, i have played one since BC. You knew the answer to this as it is obvious i have prior knowledge of how Paladins used to work.
Third, these are just ideas i came up with in a few minutes, they are not supposed to be balanced or even good. If they are so bad come up with some ideas yourself and if you won’t or can’t, why are even in a thread about Seals?

Yes. I want the old Ret passive back, it was better as a passive than an aura. Crusader aura is the original form yes, but again it was better as a passive.

Whether you disagree with me or not is fine, but don’t jump into my thread just to insult me and make assumptions while providing nothing of interest yourself.

This guy gets it. Be more like this guy.

I would totally prefer Seals and make Auras passives. All three specs have Crusader Aura while mounted. Protection have Devotion Aura, Holy have Concentration Aura and Ret get a reworked Retribution Aura.

As far as seals goes it would be cool if they werent spec specific so you could swap depending on situation.

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I agree, but now we have stuff to actually press and interact with, I think Seals would be a nice addition to the toolkit.

Old Seals weren’t great, i agree. What i am proposing however is not the old Seal system, but a new and improved one that will be an addition to the already existing toolkit. Similar to how Inquisition worked but more balanced and true to the class fantasy. Paladins have lost so much over the years, Seals, Auras, Blessings ect i just want to add something back in with a new twist. The 3 i listed were merely ideas i made up on the spot.

Most of this is incorrect and makes me think you didn’t read my post at all. I’m not asking for several or all Seals to return, only 1 unique Seal for each spec. And i’m defintely not asking for the classic system to return.

No, just stop.

Auras and seals were terrible and i don’t want them back.

We have been through this. Why do you want to repeat the mistakes of the past?!

To be useful auras need to be OP, which they won’t do it. Seals mean your attacks will hit like noodles and feel bad. Cmon… why must we go through this again?

Also, must Ret have seal of casino RNG damage again?! Have mercy! Don’t let nostalgia control you.

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Then maybe say how your seal style would differ? Just a self buff that you press every 30/45sec /1+ min? Or is it just a passive thats always on?

Either of the 2 ways are bad and having only 1 seal per specc… in what way does it bring the “feel of seals” back?

Or am i missing something here?

Self buff lasting 30sec/1min, sort of like Inquisition in 8.3. Not on the GCD, judgement consumes the seal. Possible interactions with Holy Power, increased duration/power depending upon amount of Holy Power.

Aside from literally bringing back seals? What do you mean?

sigh I loved the seal system. It was a completely different approach to other classes attack-system (1-button, generator-spender, …) and replaced it with such a nice level of utility and choice and awareness of the current state.

But since we are a generator-spender system now (like almost all classes), I guess it would be more of a restriction than a buff.

So did i missread


The only diff between your system and Classic from what i can tell is that the seal is not on GCD? So you know in Classic, Judgment is outside GCD.

You also didnt mention if the seal adds a debuff but that hardly matters as there is only 1 seal per specc so the debuff judgement does on retail is basically the same.

This adds nothing to gameplay tbh, just another button to press that can be macroed with judgement as its not on GCD so its a passive thats always there.

Or something else im missing here?

Dude what are you on?

I’ve already surgested an aura of wrath to replace the retribution aura.

Think of the Night Fae covenant Blessing of seasons ability. If you don’t like it because of the bad mechanics, then you wouldn’t like the seals mechanics either.
Having to recast them every time after a judgement and when they run out is not fun.

That’s subjective. I actually like the Night Fae ability, the buffs are nice and they give the feeling of blessings back.

I feel like most people just want paladins to be warriors that can heal, both mechanically and thematically. The entire “holy spells” part of paladin is almost non-existent now, especially in ret and prot. Makes me think people posting in the paladin forums didn’t play paladin pre legion.

I agree that alot of early paladin gameplay wasn’t great, but that was mostly due to lack of abilities and short durations, now that paladins have a decent kit i feel like there is room to add more, and seals would be a nice addition.

The vanilla seals were not a good feeling to it. I still miss seal of kings with the crit option.
The Wrath seals were actually nice. It was more of a weapon empowerment and you could switch between them and they were useful for pve and pvp.

The Night Fae blessing of seasons is bad. It’s badly designed. And in raid situations I’m sure you will encounter people arguing who should get the blessing from you. Rather than buffing yourself. They could have worked it in natively. Like a druid’s sun/moon shift. Right now Blessing of Seasons is more of a burden than a useful spell.

Thing is. With how they handled auras. I fully expect if they did bring seals back it would be equally botched.

You would see things like. Seal of retribution. Causes your allies to die giving you wings for 3 seconds per friendly player you kill

At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they got rid of divine storm then added seal of storms. Changes TV into divine storm

Don’t give them any new bad ideas!