He exiled the Tauren who tried to get revenge for Taurajo. That is the highest form of treason. There should be an uprising from his people who want him removed from power. Time again and again he used his authority to act against the best interests of the Horde as whole. He should not be trusted. Kill Baine and give us Magatha instead. With such a cool and strong leader the Alliance will stand no chance against us in the next faction war.
The Grimtotem betrayed the horde, who exactly would want them back?
They are more likely to join the Alliance than the horde given that they even teamed them with us to fight you in Stonetalon.
Thoug i think Magatha still has a role to fulfill in the story, maybe she will appear in Dragonflight to help us fight the Primalists.
Baine does not care about his own faction. He was willing to kill multiple loyal soldiers to break Derek Proudmoore free. He is a traitor that deserves to be executed.
Even literal nothingness would be better than Baine, but meh that ship has sailed years ago and i cba to get worked up over it. And even this thread is more attention than he deserves frankly
I would fully support Magatha to take over.
If Baine were to be removed at some point… he wouldn’t be replaced, and Mayla would just lead the united Tauren. And she would act (or mostly not act) the same way that Baine did. Almost like Baine isn’t a person, but a badly written character, that only exists for his function in the world and the narrative…
Baine has 2 purposes.
- Fail miserably.
- Talk about Anduin all day.
That is his entire character summed up.
hes done more dan you den.
He did nothing for the Horde. All he does is betraying us to make it easier for the alliance to defeat our faction. All he ever cared about was the wellbeing of his human masters.
and you just flap your gob on the forums
I fight for a better Horde.
so does he ya just disagree on what a better horde is.
Better for the Horde means being able to destroy your enemy for good so we don’t have to share resources. Baine is a coward who has always acted for the best interests of his human masters Jaina and Anduin.
I disagree. the alliance serves us better as allies against whatver the fickle gods of the blizzard will thow at us next
The alliance must be fully destroyed down to the last member. Only then can be peace possible.
You should hear and obey your Troll masters Erevien, they are wiser than you
The murder of Rastakhan. The plundering of the treasury. The escape of Jaina. The sacking of the city. The sinking of the fleet. And Talanji talking to Turalyon without demanding his head. All these humiliatations against the entire troll race must be called out. For the sake of human potential because Blizzard Devs are racists. Never forget. Never forgive. Death to the alliance. Always. Di chuka.
Stop stealing my punchline
Rastakhan was a weak king who lead his empire to ruin he was artificially keeped alive by a even weaker loa I’m glad that old fool is dead now we can rebuild our empire under the far more forward thinking Queen
Talanji’s a feminist token character. Nobody likes her. Rezan was the best Loa. I spit in everyone that agreed to the peace treaty.