Why blizz is losing money

WB was not even out within the time scale they killed MC and Oni.

WB came in p2 classic .

Yes but me and Elias were talking about WOTLK not WOD .

still consumes can omit all the boss mechanics

Not denying that no idea why you are being angry just said how it was done why you got mad over facts i do not know .

who said I was angry? youre the one threatening to report people you disagree with, here have a :rofl:

1.5 million is not a small amount thats insane amount of people .

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Only Elias for trolling me not you so please stop assuming thank you .

nobodys trolling you

I said Elias only nothing to do with you thanks .

Elias wasnt trolling you

But there doesn’t have to be a massive sub decline as long as the trickle coming in is greater than the trickle leaving then the graph will still steadily climb. Which we see for the graph throughout the end of TBC and into Wrath. After Wrath the slope begins to steadily descend and then come MoP we start getting the spikes when new content is released with sudden drop-offs once it has been consumed.

Edit: We don’t know if it was 15 million in and 13.5 million out or 2.5 million in and 1 million out, all we know is that there were about 1.5 million more players at the end of Wrath than the beginning. I am also not saying Elliot was right just pointing out the flaw in saying that a bigger number at the end meant that there wasn’t lots of players quitting too.

I don’t have a massive insider knowledge on how Blizz does these things but feels like Vanilla - Wrath was given a lot more lead time and then since Cata Blizz feel like they need to pump out an expansion at a certain rate which is where the decline in quality is coming from.

I also feel like it is an ae thing and just going back to the way they did things in the Vanilla - Wrath period isn’t going to be the magical fix that everyone wants.

Well, if they would just improve pve drops and pvp balance and let people
Make and gear alts easier, people would play the game for fun and enjoyement, not feeling obliged to log and do chores.

And the elitist would just do thier thing pushing the game as much as they can.

But no, blizzard is afraid of doing this, they think the masses play more with a forcefull feeling, grind attitude.

The truth is in the midle somwhere, but intruly think players would enjoy wow more it it werent so restrective, bad loot, bad balance pve/pvp and this boosting meta.

Graphs shows amouth of players playing. It doesnt show those 90% other players what have quit until MOP.

If you make change what makes 2M players quit playing game and 3M start playing your game but only 500k startes ppaying becouse you added LFG into the game so out of those 3M what have started playing will eventualy quit becouse they got bored thanks to changes Blizzard made you think game earned more players or rather damaged its long term heath?

It has nothing to do with you can you please leave me alone thank you .

People quiting have nothing to so with gear. Game is too acessible, too easy to finish, there is no community, no sense of the world. These are issue what makes players quit way more than some stupid gear.

I am using his words that there was a massive decline in subs and he still thinks 1.5 million is small numbers increase . I it is like we are reading 2 different charts .

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I never said there was massive decline in subs.

First of all, i stater many problems, not only gearing, if you would read with both eyes, u wouldnt reply just 1 argument.

Nontheless, wow is in maintenance mode and down the road, dont rly think this game will improve anytime soon.

They are happy to release tbc classic, wotlk classic and still have subs and money.

Have a nice day!

i think they mean That alot of people complete content at the bottom rung difficulty, which is made so easy that Even bulking the qauantity upwards, adds so little in the way of these players stomping through the enviroments

which then instead of doing the harder Difficulties just quit the game.

I dont entirely agree with his logic, 49% of the playerbase now have curve.

Blizzard are losing money because they launched a Expansion into a major draught, thats the entirity of the problem on the majority, when almost half the playerbase have Curve and even i think 20% odd have Cutting Edge thats ALOT of people With completion…

we then got a balancing patch which added a valor system which dont help those of the levels these players are at… all they launched in 9.0.5 was ways for the “behgind the curve” players can use to catch up before 9.1

people didnt quit because of LFG. they quit because THEY’VE BEEN PLAYING THE SAME GAME FOR 10 YEARS

U see tons of people opening threads saying “havent played in 8 years how is WoW” etc etc… nd in most of these posts they Even state… they quit because of burn out or the game just got old.

If u dedicate ur time to a MMORPG. u will over time burn out thats just factual… during that burnout period u will either find a new game and never look back. or the game u were in would flop and u’ll return.

Every mmorpg will eventually die, Its not a “1 thing problem”… the games 16 years old… imean dude what are u really expecting…

I didnt even know it was that high and thank you for your level headed comments it is refreshing to have some with you and Osan :slight_smile: