Why blizz is losing money

And see, that’s why I said x%. Covers all bases. :yum:

It directly would for many complaints.

Ive seen tons of posts against the vault, against m+ gearing and there are several constantly ranting with their problems with the system.

12% nah. It was like 49% last time I checked it on the pages. I dunno what source your using for Ur statistics but it shows wildly different numbers then others.

But he also designed legion? Which you proclaim to love several systems to. WF and TF were apart of his creations… Aswell as the BFA m+ system and more.

So he’s clearly capable of creating content you like.

If it’s so easy then why none could create an MMORPG like WoW in the last 15 years? People like you’re saying that WoW is bad, yet there is not a single MMORPG on the market which has bigger player base than WoW (not even F2P games can match the player count).



That doesn’t really say much either, beyond just stating the obvious.

I will quit the game the day they announce it will make a return, I can’t speak for others obviously
Now that it’s gone I don’t want it back, I already disliked it but corruption just pushed my tollerance down to negative numbers for RNG forging
I’m no hardcore raider, I’m pretty casual, never raided progression, got roped into 2v2 by a rogue I did BG’s with but that was as I feared unsuccesfull (I like BG’s much more then arena’s)

I mean, you asked for a citation that half the playerbase has left, so I gave it. True that it doesn’t say why they left, though… article does say it’s a “normal pattern”.

I fail to understand how blizzard caters to high end players since we all despise these systems that gate your ability to play different things as you please that you also have to grind.

If you’re talking about adding development time to Mythic raiding I think you are wrong if you believe it’s a waste of time because only a small % of players engage with it. World First race is the most watched event related to wow and I can guarantee you many players return to wow or even start playing it because of it. I also know I would not be playing this game for longer than a month or two after patch if mythic raids were non existent.

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And that was kind of what I wanted citation for. It’s a bold claim to tie subscriptions up on raid completion.

I’m not convinced that Blizzard is losing money tbh.

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BS, it’s 31.415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679%.

Want a pie?

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its loosing potential huge financial gains.

ofc they are not on net loss - but they could have made hundreds of milions $$$ more if they didnt alienate casuals .

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As soon as N/HC dungeon becomes meaningless people stop queuing - some do it in days, some in weeks but this isn’t evergreen content and quickly dies. In BfA you could level by island queue that was like 1-2min even in dead post progression time of a patch where as dungeon queue was ~30 min. Islands were evergreen, while N/HC dungeons were not.

And it’s not really easy to fully clear Nathria on HC and initially it required a mythic level guild to even do it the first time. My guild took some time to do so as well. I would have no reason to play this game if it wasn’t HC guild progression.

Whales, not “casuals”. To make millios of $$$ they would have to use predatory tactics. And who is a “casual” to be exactly? You can’t milk someone that doesn’t care, doesn’t play much and doesn’t understand the game that much.

It won’t return

But in BFA u could have believed everyone hated the system. Yet we now see people missing it :rofl:

Ive never done a normal or heroic dungeon in SL :rofl: nor has any of my friends or the pugs I formed to do it with.

We were most definitely skipping normal and heroic. M+0 was 140 ilevel content. It still is

There’s 0 reason outside fate levelling to do it any lower.

Heck I don’t even do m+0 anymore. I just join a +2 key at 140-150 ilevel now. It’s pointless why even do the content? :person_shrugging::person_shrugging:

Yeah it was easy to believe because influencers hated it. Or, should I say, they flamed about it and encouraged the mob to go after it. Their personal position is probably indifferent.

Never say never.

But you baught 100% of the game

And why is this a problem?

Normal is called Normal for a reason. It’s supposed to be the difficulty for the vast majority of people.

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