Why blizz is losing money

Also they do not sell forum boosts

The immense amount of casuals playing WoW never ceases to amaze me.

Anyway, do your pet battles and transmogs. There’s already enough non-sense you can waste your time on.

the trouble with shadowlands is activision give less content more grind and expect us players to pay more sub first game i have seen where less is more , and also i draw the line at botting and paid boosts all caught doing either of these two things gets a perma ban

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People have said it a million times before and people will say it a million times again, the content Blizzard develops does not matter if 90% of the classes and specs are just fundamentally broken, unviable, unfun, janky, uncompetetive garbage.

Classes are the lenses through which the players view the game, if so many classes are broken and fundamentally bad then the game will suck, end of.

In reality class tunings should be a biweekly thing if not more frequent than that. Covenant are still unbalanced for most classes with 1 reigning supreme lightyears ahead of the rest, same with legendaries, 1 or 2 just crushing the others into oblivion.

Bad class/spec design = bad game no matter what content they design.

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now I have depression because the game has turned to s***.

best thing ever

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 i still take my alts there and quest

Let me correct your phrasing there for a moment.

“The immense amount of normal people playing WoW never ceases to amaze me.”

“Anyway, do your pet battles and transmogs, and PvP and Raid, and RP when you like”

I think they spent enough time wasted on catering to the tiny fragment that are not casual players.

See the thing is, ‘Casually’ playing a game is doing it right. It is -supposed- to be a game. I mean that is what the ‘G’ in MMORPG stands for. If you are seriously regarding it as anything other than a ‘game’ then you are not really playing a game, are you?

If Blizzard were not catering to people who actually want to play their game as a game, then their business plan is shot to hell. I mean, for a start, you wouldn’t have a platform to flex on, because it would be dead and dust as it is no longer enjoyable for normal people to play. Top end raiders are not the normal playerbase, and as has been seen, in some cases are not even normal -people-, so just be glad they have given you things to waste your time on, because it is -just a game-.

Playing the game as a game, is doing it right, playing it as some desperate attempt to ‘be the best’ just looks needy. Play the game, don’t let the game play you.


thats simply not true . a lot of people keep runing them for example for AP weekly quests even now.

classic WoLK will come out in 2023 though - so just 2,5 year of waiting for actually good wow expansion ^^

Tbh , doubt it will be good because of boosting infested classic realms that will be BC realms and Wrath after.

At least Joe is married :smiley: who cares about basement virgins crying about others being able to clean content.

Joke aside, there is a fine line. Personally i think the perfect design is Ulduar and its hardmodes. Just a normal raid but you can make encounters more difficult if you wish.


Since hard mode gave better rewards, it would not solve the “gear inflation” issue :slight_smile:

Remember Naxx?

The main mistake Blizz committed and this is why they’re bleeding players is that they democratized gearing. Now players are free to choose where they get their gear. Used to be you either raided the one difficulty raid, or did pvp. Dungeons gave you gear as a means to raid.

That 2% (which was 1% btw) serves as aspiration. In Vanilla, everyone I talked to aspired to be a raider. Aspired to be in that 1% of players who managed to clear that content. This is what the game was about - ambition and aspiration.

Remember when people believed Patchwerk is mathematically impossible, but then he died? This is what the game was.

Without the content for the 1% of players, there really is no game. Just an addiction, infinite dragon chasing, with no ambition or aspiration or any real challenge.

Without these 2% of players, the game is dead. There is no MMO alive that doesn’t cater specifically to a hardcore audience. All who try to cater exclusively to casuals die. Hell, even mobile MMOs require hardcore dedication and have an actual endgame.

There is a difference between a 10 ilvl and 50 ivl increase though :stuck_out_tongue:

There is no 50 ilvl increase. I mean, LFR ain’t counting.

Don’t forget Darion Mograine cheerleading over a person he only met one time :stuck_out_tongue:

I assure you, wow is not losing Activision money. Why do you see so many store items to buy?

It is on cruise control and a very profitable one.

Dont even get me started on that one haha

I wonder what this post said for it to get bombarded so fast with flags lol

class balance

Stinks . and 9.1 wont save it 1 tiny bit

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