It’s not really a secret that GS is what it is, so why blizzard doesn’t do anything about it ? Doesn’t it violate the ToS ? Do they just want the submoney from the erpers ?
To be honest, the people getting their freak on there tend to be either Trial Accounts, or Off Realmers doing their Sex Tourism thang, most AD’ers hate Goldshire with a passion, but I suppose at least it Quarantines them. Close down one Trial account, they’ll just set up another.
I don’t think there is a solution, to be honest, we just have to accept the fact that it has been taken over by Cyber kinkers, and WoWs equivalent of Gary Glitter…
Because they dont care, as long as both parties are doing it out of free will and not in any offical channel like /say. So what if they are whispering? Also, beeing half naked is not something you can get banned for.
I don’t think Goldshire is as bad as it was 10 years ago, not to mention Stormwind felt like Goldshire on steriods - which was the main reason I left AD at that time.
But the nature of cases like these unfortunately makes it more difficult and is very resource demanding with the result, that if you are a bystander it feels like nothing is happening, and they are allowed to proceed
Looking at the number of Youtube videos, it does seem like a lot of trial accounts are being made solely for that purpose of testing the community, and one can only ask what Blizz does to trail accounts caught in this.
But don’t be sad, it has spread to a lot of other realms too - a lot of times on non-RP realms you’ll find those players too
A las, it only violates if it is public. If they just sit around in private chat, they can’t do anything.
Unfortunately, humans are sometimes horny.
Thankfully places like Goldshire serves as a magnet for erotic roleplay, keeping the activity relatively contained to certain areas of the game. They are easy enough to avoid.
At the moment, I am more concerned about trolls who actively seek out RP hotspots to sabotage. They are my biggest nuisance.
I think this is a major reason.
Right now there containt.
If blizzard would start acting against them there would spread out and be harder to stamp out.
I see it as the lesser of two evil kind of thing.
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