Why Blizzard hates new players

If I were a newb, I wouldnt even try Priest…or Paladin. Because wtf is a Paladin!?

I’d just go hunter or warrior lmao

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Not even new players.

A friend of mine came back now with the patch after being gone since season 3. He logged in and had no clue what was going on. Said it felt like a new game to him because of how things changed from season 3 to now and he felt lost.

New players don’t start at level 50. They start at level 1, with 1 spell, they get more as they level up but as always it’s up to the player to learn how to use those spells. Also contextual macros can help save up some space.

nothing wrong with mobas , just if u cant take all 55 binds and u cant look what u dont need and what u need … u have guides to read … u can level up and learn step by step … also u can ask … and top of that u have addon which can tell you what to press if u dont know on your onw

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Mine has a lot less and always had a lot less.
How did you made it with so much? :rofl:

Also if you consider youself a new player, dont play disc. Play Holy for example.
Not that disc is hard to play but in most cases it has way less answers to deal with people taking avoidable damage.

I’m quite baffled why the mentor system stops at 20 when a huge number of questions arise on hitting max level.

You might want to consult some guides to see how vital all those spells are and what you can merge into macros

I really don’t agree with people saying new players shouldn’t play Discipline, its fine for low content that people will do while levelling and alongside blood DK its the safest solo spec in the game when you get atonement. It’s good in the world and in dungeons so they don’t need to worry about shadow for dps so they can get more used to damage as Discipline to help them heal better.

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People like OP are the reason why this game will never be good again


Don’t forget some may simply buy lv boost from shop only to catch up to their friend asap. Instead of using the level exp to get used to your class.
Not the smartest move and a few weeks later they are the same who keep nagging about everything.

Well, for starters, i don’t have shackle undead bound for example.
Because the ability just doesn’t have any use in the content i pursue.
As for macro’s, they’re great. Dispell and purify on the same button? Yes please. I’ll save action bar slots any time of the day with macro’s.

You make joining a guild sound like a chore, why would you not want to join a group of like minded people and enjoy playing together? This is a massively multi player game at the end of the day.


It makes you feel like you have to join the first guild you see, cause if you’re not in one you can’t do quite a bit of the content properly. First guild I joined was full of utter pieces of work, the guild leader was so overly obsessed with the game that if anyone wanted to just have some fun and play the game he’d get mad and talk about how you’re terrible at the game

The problem is not new people “skills” because i already said that disc is not hard at all. The problem is how disc is actually working and how the game is working.

If you dont have a legit 3k+ XP you wont get yourself to good groups in M+, therefore people are taking avoidable damage and tunnel vision dps meters. Disc apart from when it has depth of shadows max stacks cant ST heal decently.

So for example if you have 2 dps zugzuggers that take all the avoidable damage they can, you will lose them both as disc, as holy you wont.

I dont know why you attack this person that is absolutely right, but i can see you are new player yourself.


yes I am indeed a new player thanks for pointing this out please give us even less buttons to click so the game is fun again :clown_face:

So if you agree with the op, why you blame him for his opinion?

You dont have a bigger rotation though, maybe 1 key added. Not all buttons are relevant to your rotation.


The issue for new players ATM is the levelling experience is meant to conclude at SL, which will have a linear intro.

It is not meant to lead into BFA.

If you select BFA as your levelling choice, cool, from 45 you get ways to regrind the neck, az pieces, campaign etc. So you get a few new prompts at 50.

But ATM if you ding 50 anywhere else, you then find only BFA content to do and it throws everything at you at once (assuming you can access it alliance have issues ATM) it’s probably super confusing.

Just remember, chromie time is meant to be when BFA is “levelling content”. Rolling it out early is good for us to try it, but it is very messy when you hit 50 because the system is then meant to push you into SL, not back into “levelling content”.

I hope you are trolling, because else I wouldn’t be able to describe the stupidity of your post in words

Go to hell op. Honestly.

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here’s a crazy thought…
new players don’t start with max level characters.
They start with new characters who have just one or two abilities.


Maybe pay attention while levelling. Tooltips tell you stuff! Or dont buy a boost if you’re new.

Simple solutions.

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