Why blizzard wont merge the servers?

like title say why wont blizz merge them?

why would they? Nekrosh has plenty of activity. Already seeing an influx of people lately, perhaps because SoD and Cata aren’t as popular anymore. I don’t play on stitches but from what I hear alliance is popular there

Stitches recently got to 3 layers again. Alliance is definetely healthy, but im not sure about Horde.

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we got 2 layers on horde side, I assume horde is lower on Stitches :slight_smile:

That being said, I´d love for them to merge the realms just so I can get the stuff from my stitches bank alts:D

We’ve been getting quite a lot of new players, perhaps because of the playerdrop for SoD and Cata, I don’t want it to get too crowded. I like the busy capital and WB areas but I also enjoy the desolate areas while questing. If HC gets caught in a new hype we might be happy there are 2 servers, I heard rumors that a few streamers are playing hc again, that can cause a (temporary) influx of players too.

Shame. All the griefing and ninjalooting stopped with sod launch. It´s coming back?=)

We keep a pretty tight ship with the 4 biggest guilds, share blacklist and shared discord channels to alert guild officers of unwanted folks etc, we had to kick a few more than usual last few days due to retail mentality or just ignorent.

I’ve mentioned this before that I have a strong belief they forgot about HC servers in general.
Must be too busy milking other projects.

As a Stitches Horde player I can say that we lack players to do almost ANY activity.
You have to skip majority of Elite quests like A Recipe For Death etc, can barely find groups for Hillsbrad or Arathi Elite quests or even King of the Foulweald non Elite quest. Finding group for a dungeon is challenging. I’ve seen people spamming LFG chat for 4-6h just to get a group for Uldaman and so on.

If you’re up for SSF challenge then Stitches Horde is the way to go because at this point it is almost a default game mode.

I would say it’s the result of Streamers flooding the server at start and leaving it once the hype is gone taking with them all those “wanna be part of something” players.

All I’d like to see is a merge or a cluster with Nek’rosh just to be able to interact with other players just like MMO’s are design to be played.

PS To all the “against merge or cluster” players please go back to single player or arcades if you don’t like interaction with other players. We can easily make a vote and see what majority of HC player base actually want.

Nekrosh is plenty crowded without a merge. I’m an officer in the biggest levelling guilds on the server, we link 2 guilds together with greenwall and have 1950 active characters in guild, low level chars get purged every week. There are mutliple groups for about every content daily/weekly. There are 2 raiding guilds that ddoe 20m and 40m content and invite our 60s to fill any empty spots on alt raids. We have a discord with channels for 60s and we created a level 60 lfg on the server to facilitate making groups for 50-60 dungeons. Maybe you should consider rerolling, VAD/CH welcomes all players with a poitive mentality, we have a donation system for bags and profession recipes and the guildbank bought all flask recipes for characters that now live in orgrimmar. We have fairly strict rules in place to keep guild chat and discord a friendly place and try to provide the 2005 vanilla experience to our members

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The lack of people is the reason why i went to play on Nek´rosh instead of stitches,
but having to change the realm is not an ideal solution, especially if you have to leave “loaded” bank alts behind.

I would be in favor of a merge and the resulting one “big” HC realm, but I fear for server stability and whatnot. Blizzard does not have the best track record with that kind of thing.

I have not yet lost a toon due to a DC, but it´s probably very devastating.

It´s a bit sad that you basically have to play on Nek´rosh if you want to play Horde and do it with a healthy amount of other people.
Can´t say anything about alliance though.