Why can people that IGNORE ME still message me (solo shuffle rage)

Why can people that IGNORE ME still message me.

We all play like crap sometimes, we all make dumb mistakes, some more then others.
If you can’t stand that, play something else.

But if you do make the choice to message someone to cry like a little b, then at least we should be able to respond with some constructive criticism or depending on the mood find the fine line to give a response without getting banned.

Or we could just report the rager instantly and move on. Why would you even bother responding? Nothing of what you message to that person will ever change something. That guy mad rn and thinks he is in the right. Replying is just the biggest waste of time. And also puts your account in danger because that guy might just try to get a rise out of you to report you so you get banned.


True but would require me to think and act like an adult.

Guys can’t get report me though. considering I can’t even reply to him when he blocks me. Yet he can pm me. Just find it weird.

But you are right obviously.

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