Why can't i find a group for anything?

IKR. I’ve beaten the timer on everything up to +6. Some are only 1 star though so I could keep at them to get 2 or 3 star. That’d maybe boost my numbers up to the mid 600s. Will that still be good enough though? Doesnt look like it. People want 700s to do 7s. Often even higher, like 1k. Why tf would anyone with 1k be doing a 7? Absolutely ridiculous.

We can also provide valuable healing backup (using word of glory) for weeks where the affixes are horrible to healers. We can also help cleansing people where they are affected by poisons/disease with our cleanse toxins.

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It is indeed getting a bit more difficult from the 7 and up. I have last/this week tried to get all my dungeons done at +6 (649 score now), which is done since yesterday morning. But it is definitely harder to get accepted on the higher ones.
And I am playing the healer-card .

Make your own group, invite guildies/friends.

Make your own group, invite guildies/friends, learn how to raid lead (however I’d first complete 8/8 Heroic with a raiding guild before you raid lead anything)

Most Heroic Uldir groups are made by players who already completed that content multiple times, and are trying to blast it with evenly experienced players (for gear on mains/alts).
Find a raiding guild, use this site, read guild’s descriptions, check if they recruit your class, check their raid times, whisper officers in game if they got a spot for you: https://www.wowprogress.com/pve/eu/aegwynn

Also, even I get declined sometimes on my 378ilvl alt, it’s just that there are so many dps to choose from whenever you make a group, the ilvl/rio score requirement for that role is higher than for tanks or healers. If you played Holy/Protection at decent level then you’d increase your chances (game really really needs more tanks but nobody wants to play them).

Progress it with friends. It’s same thing like above. Pugs aren’t made for progression really.

I feel your pain. Not with M+ but I’ve spent most of our mythic raiding progress sat on the bench because Paladin’s on the whole can’t compete with other classes atm. I think Zul was the first fight where it was actually desirable to have my BoP.

no until now i didnt knew about that community.

i’d play tank but i feel like if i cant fully commit to a specc i will never be performing on top level. like when i’m playing tank to boost my rio score i will either lack tank trinkets, weapons or ret trinkets, weapons due to how the lootsystem works. ret is my main spec and will always be.
there is a reason i have multiple paladins and druids, its because i like those classes the most and i want to play them in the specc i enjoy the most

here’s a link to the thread, you can join us! :slight_smile:

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I’ll be looking into that too, cheers man.

Cause everyone quit because the expansion is horrible?

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