Why can't i find a group for anything?

the last days i’ve been struggling with wow by ALOT. i sit in boralus and queue up for any mythic keystone dungeon in the range from +6 to +9 and for heroic raids but everyone either ignores or declines me.

the char im posting with is my main, im wearing pvp gear currently (because i cant seem to play any other content) but my pve set is 374 gearscore equipped.

it is actually becoming so bad that i couldnt even complete the m+ weekly last week and this week ive tried to find a group like 4 evenings for 2hrs straight. what is wrong with my character, why does nobody want to play with me?

It’s weird because when I sign up to groups on my main (who is lower than your item level by 3) I get into groups reasonably fast.

It could be you’re signing up to groups with specific requirements, do you ever read the descriptions to see what each group wants or expects?

You can always use the group finder yourself to create your own groups for your keys and/or raids.

yeah i never reply to groups that are looking for specific classes or speccs (except its ret paladin lol).

i really dont know what im doing wrong. im getting really bored of this because most evenings im just jumping through boralus trying to find a group and then log off after an hour or so.

the only content i can play is pvp because most of my friends play pvp. but i want to get into m+ and maybe even mythic raiding. but there just seem to be this big wall i have to pass before i can get into stuff.

is it because i lack achievements? like the +10 or heroic curve?

Ret paladins currently have an image problem, namely people perceive the spec as not pulling its weight, especially in higher keys. With the growing aversion to picking up “scrubs” who ruin your key, people are starting to just ignore any application from specs they don’t perceive as optimal.

That and you said yourself that you’ve had next to no activity for a week. Raider-dot-io is compounding the problem by saying you have no track record of running M+, and your gear score could be down to lucky warforges. Nobody knows, and nobody is interested in taking time to find out because there’s always a bunch more dps who could be in your spot. Much easier to grab a rogue, DH or mage, classes who are perceived as reliably putting the damage out.

I hate it, but that’s the truth. My sincere suggestion is learn to tank or heal to get your M+ runs done until retribution is seen as being competitive.


the game is dead and only the ones not stubborn enough to stop playing are left, and they are picky af since their time is precious, that would be my guess but what do i know

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I hear ya dude. Hitting a wall myself right now. Getting sick of it too tbh. When you make the effort and get nowhere hve to ask if maybe its time to give up.

I’ve spent most of the last 2 weeks running 3s then 4s then 5s then 6s to get my rio score up. I figured getting it over 600 would qualify me for 7s. But looks like I figured wrong. (Maybe Ive misunderstood how rio works.)

Guess what Alewynn says must be the case. Looks like we back to that old chestnut again. Where are people getting this from? In my experience I’ve pulled my weight, interrupted, stunned, cleansed, healed myself a little, even healed others a little too. I’ve put out DPS at least equal to the others, sometimes better. Even managed to tank a little on certain bosses due to tank fails. Pallys are still pretty solid burst (and decent AOE too) and we have mobility and CC breakers. What’s not to like?

You ilvl is higher than people ask for up to at least 9, maybe even for 9 too. Every +7 I try and join says min 360/365(sometimes less) and I’m 368.

Trying to q at peak times probably doesnt help cos if people have 10 others to choose from and some are 380+ that are ‘slumming it’ then they gonna get picked over you.

im a 385 tank and i dont go random pugs anymore, only do 1 mythic a week for the chest and only with guildmembers i trust no to waste my time, so thats an overgeared tank cut out of the equasion because of randoms sucking so hard

The problem with wow is there’s an enormous range of skill. And for a decent key you NEED a player who knows his character like the back of his hand. Someone who knows when to interupt, and not just using it as soon as they see any old spell being cast. Someone who knows the dungeon like the back of his hand, so they don’t stand some where stupid and pull an extra pack etc.

Raider io is the only tool that can show someone how skillfull you are. It’s far from perfect, but the best players have. If you haven’t got a 900 score, very few people will take you on a +9, or 1000 for a +10. Weds-fri get keys done and improve your score, will make life 10x easier.

become a leader, the duty calls.

How do you get a 900 score if you havent run any higher than +8? If I need 700 to get into a +7 that explains why I’m constantly declined. I’ve run every +6 till I beat the timer (at least for a +1 updgrade) and only just managed 616. Really can’ t see how I’ll ever manage 700 without running some +7s or higher.

You get 10 score per level you run. So a +10 on times 100 score. And there’s 10 dungeons so far. You don’t NEED 700 score for a +7, but if you haven’t got 600 at least you’ll struggle.

You’ve just got to work your way up if pugging it. Do every dungeon +6 then every dungeon +7 in time. It’s slow and tough when pugging. My first chara in BfA took about a month to get a 1k score, purely pugging. And I play a alot more then your average player. This mage took like 3 days to get 900 score with guildies/mates.

That’s exactly what I’ve been doing. I’ve run every 6 over and over again until I got at least a +1 and ended up with a score of 616. Even if I redid all the +1 upgrades until they became +2s that would at best add about 30 or so putting me at about 645 at most. Still way short of the 700 I apparantly need to do a +7.

Have you tried creating a group and inviting people who apply? Or pugging a lower key, such as mythic 5. What is your raider io score? Usually groups check this before they let you in. If your score is low that is probably why you are getting declined.

I only do mythics on my horde alt, as I can get in faster that way, no one wants a Human Warrior in a mythic pug, so I rarely do mythics on this character, which is my main.

Raider-io evaluates group performance. Using the score as a tool to determine solo capabilities is stupid. To me, someone with 150 score but a timed run of the dungeon at my keystone level in a balanced group is more valuable than someone with 1000 score and low level, failed attempts. Kings’ Rest and Siege of Boralus are good examples.

Have you considered joining that calm keystones community? We tend to run our keys with guildies and friends but I realise not everyone does.

One of the problem is that you’re playing paladin, and people don’t like paladin since he brings absolutely nothing to M+ alongside his not so great single dps.

Are we playing the same class ? The only thing true here is that Paladin have burst. We have absolute crap AOE and barely any mobility.

You are a warlock so no we arent. ^^

Barely any mobility? We have Freedom, steed (x2 possibly) with 2 bubbles to get us out of trouble too. Plus stoneform for dwarfs.

Divine Storm is decent, especially with the azerite abilities that support it. On a fight by fight basis I hold my own just fine clearing trash packs. I can hold my own single target too.

There’s alll the other little things we can pull out the bag. A proper CC, an AOE CC, a slow. We can top ourselves up with heals so the healer doesnt have to worrry about us so much, not forgetting LoH too (which we can dump on the tank if needed).

But yeh if people STILL (after all these years) think ret can’t hold their own then, well I dunno. Sick of fighting this corner tbh that I do know. People just believe what they want to believe and even if we did get a buff that we dont really need it wont change anything cos peoples minds are made up. Always have been and always will be I guess.

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There are too many bad players with high item level because the game spoon feed’s 370+ gear. So bad players not only are now infesting mid to high key runs, they feel entitled to run that content because item level.

I dont agree with Raider IO. it breeds… well mostly a type of attitude that’s bad for any human being. That said raider IO. is a necessary evil.

I recommend you start the Raider IO grind if you wish to get groups.
it sucks yup your gonna spend a few weeks running content much lower than you are geared or capable of, but in the end you will get what you want.
Depends how much you want it.

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Maybe I dont get how RIO works. But speaking as someone that’s been trying exactly that you still hit a wall. You only push the numbers up by running increasing higher + mythics. You can run +6s for weeks and weeks and you won’t push the numbers higher after you hit the 2star/3star upgrades as only your best run counts. Or do multiple succesful runs of the same level instance actually contribute?

(For example my Tol Dagor 6** worth 63.6 isn’t going to be worth more doing the same again until it becomea a 7* or 7** (or maybe a 6***) as I undestand it.)

it is a shizzle system I agree mate, but having a completed in timed run on every instance boost’s your score massively.
Also getting them runs done early Wed as the flawed system works on a limited number of runs that fills up fast.

I gave up on it and the game, I get your POV totally.
I run low level content with guys who i ask myself “How did you even make 120?”.
Or I spend my day getting refused as a tank to low keys like an 8-9 (I have been tanking +10 since week 2 of mythic+ launching on several tank classes).

I gave up on the Raider IO grind when my brew Master @ gear level 375 and run loads of +10’s was being refused instantly for +5 mythic’s constantly.

Now I dont run any mythic+ because the aforementioned guys who I have no idea how they got to 120 or nothing is basically my options.