Why cant I report someone hacking?

So there is that player who is hacking. I have evidence threw screenshot. He has NINE other characters that are about the same name. They all move the same path, they all teleport exactly the same time.

Support is telling me to to report him threw character portrait…I tried to track him two times to report him but all I could make was a screenshot of all his Caracters teleporting at once and one of them selected with name.

There seems to be no way to report this to anyone anyhow. Clearly someone cheating heavily with 10 characters at once.

I know multiboxing is allowed but you cant tell me he can issue exactly the EXACT same command 10 times in less then 1 second. That would be an higher APM then a StarCraft world champion.

So where and how do I report this? I have a screenshot with deed and name on it.

To file a detailed report, including videos and screenshots:

  1. Email Hacks@Blizzard.com
  2. Provide as many details as possible about the situation.

Due to the volume of reports, you may not receive a response from our team. However, we take all reports very seriously. Thank you for your vigilance!