Why can't I stay in my guild if I faction change?

We have cross faction guilds now why do I need to get re-invited if I faction change?

So you can stay in your guild, it’s just that you have to get reinvited?

You have to remember that WoW is a 20 year old game at this point, and a lot of people who have created its foundation have left the company since. On top of that, Blizzard is kind of infamous for their spaghetti code. Pulling on the bit that kicks you from the guild after a faction change might just break the entire profession system for all it’s worth.

Fixing what seems like an easy “toggle this to allow cross faction guilds” switch can be incredibly hard to do, and sinking that amount of dev time into complex issues that have a very niche benefit might just not be worth it for Blizzard. Best you can do is submit a bug report and hope that it is an easy fix and it’s just something they forgot to cover.

No I gotta leave and then ask an officer/GM to add me as a friend and invite me back


I’m not sure what the point of this current feature is but a guildie had this, this week too. Changed to an Alliance race and the guild is Horde because GM is Horde but it’s cross faction enabled. He got booted and we had to invite him back in.

I’m guessing it’s part of the coding that does this.

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Faction change also removes you from events in the calendar, even though u’ve still got the same name and server :sweat_smile: our warrior was suddenly gone from all the m+ events cause he changed from dwarf to belf.

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