Why cant the player side with the outright "evil" side?

Not even the forsaken are evil.

They are undead that does not make you inherently evil. You could argue raising people against there will is evil but that was a decision made by sylvanas so at max she is evil

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At least 1 :slight_smile: me!


pff .i thought it shut down pc with blue screen and never power on again.

i suspect Dalaran has something to do with the prison mechanism of either Azeroth or Elune.

Given the death of horde and alliance - which I was against but they mismanaged it so badly it was time to let it go - I agree there’s a tremendous opportunity to create more factions that don’t prevent us from playing with one another, but do make us enemies in the game world, especially in Warmode.

And of course these factions can be good, evil, exclusive to some races and classes, or any number of other things.

Yeah, bring it on. Absolutely.


Accommodating your idea would require far more flexibility than a MMORPG can provide, “Doing an evil playthrough” is something for single-player RPGs, where the whole story can change based on that choice, but to keep the whole framework of a MMORPG working, all players need to be playing (more or less) the same story.

The people who (After much complaining, whining, and cajoling) got to “Side with Sylvanas” got 5 lines of quest text out of it, that’s about as much deviation from the central storyline as you’d ever get.

I think they should just cut the players from the factions.
It doesn’t matter which race you play you can work for both factions as an adventurer.

That way they can write conflicts between the factions and can even let one side win that battle and land and the other side wins that battle with out it feeling bad for us players that our faction lost something.

Don’t know what should happen with warmode then but to be honest does that matter? In most PvP zones in the oper world it’s already a free for all

I am HEAVILY against cross faction queuing regardless. It completely kills the spirit of the game IMO. I picked horde. I dont want to play alongside dwarves.

I hope they have a box to tick to prevent cross faction.

Yall made WoW unrecognizable.

We have cross faction raids, mythic plus and even guilds, communities are also a mix. With the patch we’ll get cross faction premade queuing too for LFD.

We aren’t at war with each other.


Sadly only for complete groups but it’s a start

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Yeah I am disappointed it’s not just a general queue

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Because no fun is allowed. Remember 8.3? We could do the (Old) God’s work by killing our faction’s members, bear his mark and outright play as a proper cultist, we were even told that our choices would matter someday… and it ended with a big nothing. Even if it would’ve made sense to become evil story-wise, if it happens it would become too much a burden to support. Different quests, different playthroughs, more and more tedious explanations of how this evil ragtag group hasn’t ended up as another raid zone… too much effort for a non-single RPG.

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Theres this toy “Silver of N’zoth” or smth of the lines of it. It would allow you to kill players of both factions during BFA.
It felt amazing and it was a massive success in terms of “fun”.
I wonder why we never gotten another version of it ;/

I kinda always hopef Shadow Lands ended with Sylvanas winning and creating a new world…
I liked her as an Anti hero…hated that they tied her to the jailor.

Also why do a race has to be stuck to a side… i bet there would be “evil” humans/gnomes/night elves and “good” trolls/goblins/orcs etc. Why is it your race and not your actions which decide which side your on? And why do you have to pick a side?

ma´am, this isn´t DnD or a choice matter rpg genre.

Actually, it was the Lich King that reanimated them. But when his powers started to wane as a result of events that happened in WC3, the Banshee Queen was not the only one able to regain control of her own mind.

Those that followed her became the Forsaken, because they were not part of the scourge anymore but also no longer welcomed by even their own families. Those that didn’t are random undead like Gunther Arcanus, floating around who the hell knows where, but not participating in Scourge Shenanigans or aligning themselves with the Forsaken.

Effectively, the Forsaken as well as these lone wolves are just as good or bad as the individual humans they were before undeath were :beers:

This won´t be necessary.

Because to queue for random content as a x-faction group from wednesday onwards, you have to be a full premade.

The LFx tool itself still does not allow the generation of x-faction groups, except in that one specfic scenario of 5 players being grouped up before queuing.

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Just play a furry race, then you’re always evil.

There should be an option in every quest to betray the npc to the once it wants killed / looted ets , or straight up just murder this npc and the whole lot of them and they will never respawn again .
If this was an option , Shadowlands would be much more empty given the choice .
Also dragon isles would be named Dragonblight 2.0 .
Ah so many npcs deserve a boot . I remember the quest in Uldum where you could indiscriminately slaughter thousands of gnomes with a giant ball of fire for as long as you felt it . Good times .

That was Sargeras’s job :frowning:

It started like that because that was how the game’s story was envisioned, and it has been retained because of technical difficulties exactly because of how the game was initially developed.

Thank you! One of the most exhiliratingly fun quests!

Right - something like that. I don’t think they should cut the players from the factions as such, unless you mean the specific factions of horde and alliance, which I think you do though I might be mistaken.

I want it to go much further. In Midnight I’d like to see things like being able to join the trolls or the high elves and THAT is the faultline of the expansion, as an example, rather than horde or alliance, or you can join some demonic faction or some shadow creatures or maybe the blood elves and high elves are at loggerheads and you can choose one, or maybe you’ll join up with the undead and you get into trouble with the army of the light who’s investigating the creeping shadows, etc.

The story doesn’t have to branch. Some factions are going to lose and some are going to win - but one way or another your character gets to make a choice, and that’s always fun.

Further, I think it could be even better if some factions were only available to some races, classes, or even only available to one gender or the other.

This was actually originally on the cards for Shadowlands. The 4 covenants were not only abilities, they also determined who you could play with - but it didn’t work out due to them not clearing out WoW’s engine to make it work at the time.

Well - here we are. It can now work. Will they do it? I hope so, but