Why completing world quests in war mode does not give honor?

Topic question - it seems quite reasonable to reward players who play with wm on to be rewarded with a bit of honor for completing world quests(10-15). In legion we had tower quests and free for alls that rewarded us generously, but in this expansion there is no nice way to obtain honor currency through world content (other than killing players).
Grinding honor/prestige levels has not become easier in this expansion (on the contrary even).
I am quite surprised to see this idea not implemented as I thought it is going to be core part of war mode. Perhaps I am wrong, so I would like to hear counterarguments.

So that you focus on killing enemy players if you want honor points.

We’ll see what capturable objectives reward in 8.2. But, the way I see it, the only way to get honor points should be from player versus player, or something directly related to it.


what can u buy for honor points now anyway?
useless currency, should get removed.

Amazing. You don’t even know what honor is in current expansion, do you?
It is no longer currency, but prestige/vanity points.
If you can get conquest points for invasion world quests in wm (big boy currency), I think it would not be stupid to get honor points for playing in wm. It worked in Legion as reward for any pvp activity (even endangering yourself briefly on towers to kill some puppers or undeads), so why not implementing it in BFA as a staple of warmode?
You don’t have to kill players to get honor, look at AV or Isle of Conquest - sometimes they can be done purely pve. You get honor for participating in any pvp activity and wm is such activity.

Ye but what do you get out of that prestige thing except for a bigger icon next to your name??

Useless currency.

a number of mounts, titles, skins for your artefact weapons.

So nothing of value.

Useless currency.

nice cosmetics.

You are a special kind, I will give you that.
Notice that recently this game is all about cosmetics. They reward players with mounts, transmogs and titles. Blizzard understood that they made gear so unappealing that they have to find different ways of rewarding players - those ways are vanity things such as titles, mounts, and toys.

If you want to say that honor that provides cosmetic items is useless, you can go ahead and extend this arguement to all of the aspects of the game as everything now is about cosmetics. You can even see how general public sees this game - people are interested in observing guys or girls farm mounts and transmogs, instead of watching arenas or raid progression. That can tell you something.
So instead of being dismissive and cockblocking joy for other players, you could either provide some constructive criticism for honor system to Blizzard(in different thread), or simply reevaluate your conitrbution to this thread.

To answer your question what does prestige give players - a stupid icon that we decided to farm. That’s all about it, and nothing more. We want that icon, a higher honor level as it gives us feeling of prestige - award for our stupid chase for pvp activity wherever it is (and however pathetic that endeavour is).

big text

first off, u can only ride 1 mount, use 1 title, have 1set of gear equiped at the time.
and u gonna choose to use some reskin honor mount, title etc??

dump your time and skills into getting something better, u can do it!
i believe in u :wink:

useless currency that gives useless things, give back disshonorable kills, id rather farm that


so according to you, no one would have bothered with the mage tower last expansion since that artifact skin was just cosmetic? no one ever farmed invincible or any other mount?

Cosmetic rewards though technically pointless as something people like to work towards to say “hey look what I got”. Did I need to kill 10 alliance to get that slayer title? NO but I wanted to and use it all the time (assuming I wasnt race changed during the raid and forgot to change it back afterwards).

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are able to read or just trolling?

idk what that mage tower was, the artifacts looked meh, so didnt care for those.
but farming some random reskin mount is hardly as big of an achive as go get invincible mount (when it was the current content).

But i guess someone will find that reskin honor mount to be the most cool ingame, go get it! :rofl:

to the rest of us, its useless currency as of now.

You sure are showing us your higher and more mature moral ground by writing on forum for dying game. Get real, mate - we are here because of escapism it is our choice to pursue meaningless goals and rewards. If we wanted to cure cancer or better ourselves in meanigful ways, we would be on different forums.

Just by being here and talking in this thread you are showing you are interested in doing nothing of value as the rest of us, so get off your high horse.
We do things so our virtual stickmen in this game look cool - you do too as you are wearing transmog with fancy tabard. But for some abstract reason you decide to spew how other people’s goals of making their stickmen look cool are inferior to yours.

I personally am ok with talking with you in this thread as perhaps at one point it might be noticed by blues, and perhaps they will bother with giving my idea a thought, so go ahead I hope you will help me to keep this thread going.

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