So, I’d like to make this an open topic of discussion on why criminal role-play doesn’t work on Argent Dawn, or in the setting of World of Warcraft.
I’ve been sitting on this a while, trying to dig into the meat of this awkward bone, which I’ve never really understood.
In fantasy novels, the criminals cause the tension. They steal plot-related items from the rich. They brawl in the taverns. Cause riots. Tax the market stalls in the quays. Control and fund transportation. Set up brawl pits; horse racing; dogfighting; entertainment; inns. If there’s money to be made then behind the scenes, there’s a crook.
In Stormwind, we have the Shady Lady, and that’s it. So, the foundations for success are not there to begin with. To have criminals, we would need an active, working city, with all the infrastructure described above.
… But then, we’ve tried that, haven’t we? WB Trading Co. Gutter Runners. Smidgens. Reed, Guarrez, Siavash. Shady Lady. All have pushed initiatives, set up events, and fair enough-- some fires burn out more quickly than others, but surely some should have stuck?
With all this initiative over the years, why hasn’t it lasted? It clicked for me the other day: player characters cannot be threatened or bullied.
Crooks need to be able to walk up to any character in the street who they suss out as vulnerable and antagonize them. Coerce them for cash. Intimidate them so that they can infiltrate families, government and military. Bribe; control; take over territory. Most importantly, criminals need to reliably harm people who threaten them, so that other characters understand they have a reputation and aren’t to be taken lightly.
Without this, a black hole exists. It sucks in progress made. Without the understanding between players that Character A. is a criminal and Character B. is a victim, criminals are out of their depth in most IC situations.
To bring this all in to a conclusion, average Joe will more often than not dismiss consequences to his or her character brought on by a criminal. He will either meta, or power emote, or refuse responsibility, then retreat to his safe space or bubble RP, and refuse the tension criminals offer. If Character A. mouths off to a criminal in a tavern, then realistically said criminal should be able to turn around and inflict harm on them (whilst initiating possible consequences from the law system). But because the victims often don’t want to be victims, we find we dismiss and devalue the criminal roleplayer, and essentially make him look like an idiot. This is why brawls in Stormwind are now scoffed at and seen as ‘bad-RP’, when in fact brawls can be a good way to make friends, rivals and gain respect when coordinated between two healthy role-players.
A quick disclaimer. I am aware there’s arranged criminal role-play going on in Stormwind. Often in the case of murder investigations, or people playing alts for their guild events, etcetera. And that’s fantastic. What I’m describing here is why the simple, guildless crook no longer has a home or opportunities in Stormwind because the city has become a place where you can sort of… Veg out, and orchestrate a conversation with a stranger, rather than get lost in.