There was a whole questline in BFA about getting the Ring of Tides, which Azshara said was important to her plans. However, as far as I remember, once we got it we didn’t do anything with it except wear it as gear, and Azshara continued on her with plans as normal.
Did I miss something or was this just one of Azshara’s side-plans that she abandoned when we messed it up for her again?
I think alot of potential stories were scrapped in favour of the most important stuff.
The main thing was:
Azshara wanting Xal’atath so she could stab N’Zoth herself
The whole “Ring of Tides” and “Tidestone of Golgenneth” were only briefly mentioned. Hell, for the latter - we didn’t even get a scenario where we could either play as a Naga or, for Horde players, get summoned to Suramar due to a rise in Naga activity across the region. This would be where Thalyssra and the Nightborne are informed of who the Naga once were.
Ironic twist of fate, as it could have been in the same location as where Maiev and her Watchers were told. The difference being, Thalyssra and her Mages would have met Lady Silazsi, Handmaiden to Azshara and wielder of the Javelins of Suramar.