Why did paragons rebel against their Emperess?

I have no understanding of the reason why the paragons (or the majority of klaxxi) rebelled against their Queen. That race obviously comes from the Old Gods and serves them. Klaxxi worshipped Y’Shaarj. According to questlines, paragons claimed their Queen was corrupted. But corrupted by what/who?

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The Empress became corrupted by the Sha of Fear, which was released by the conflict between Alliance and Horde arriving at the shores of Pandaria.

This caused her to sent out the swarm too early, breaking the cycle of the mantid and therefore threatening to destroy their entire empire.

After we defeat her and the Sha of Fear, the Klaxxi do in fact turn on us, when Garrosh becomes the new host for Y’shaarjs powers, as they are still loyal to the old god.

They even do it a second time a few years later, when N’zoth is freed.


Okay, I see that point. However, the Emperess is already a creation of the Old Gods, just like Sha of Fear (one of the seven heads of Y’Shaarj). How can the Emperess be “corrupted” by the void embodiment if she is the one? My math is not mathing this way… :man_shrugging:


“The rule of cool” was started in Cata. Doesn’t matter what is logic, or if something breakes lore. If it is “cool” in devs’ opinion vill be used.

Because like the Nerubian the Mantid people “evolved” and gained a bit of freedom, I think
They are not like the progenitor race, the Aqir they splintered off, nor their cousins, the Qiraji
The Qiraji of Ahn’Qiraj were under the thumbs of C’Thun, who was imprisoned right under their feet
The Mantid of Manti’vess and the Nerubians of Azjol-Nerub are different in this regard, they had a bit more freedom, not really had the diect influence of an Old God to the point, the Nerubians developed a whole culture noticably lack any Old God relegion and when dug too deep and stumbled in to the Forgotten One and the Faceless “brothers” they attacked them
Similarly the Mantid, while remained “loyal” to their dead god and allied N’Zoth, had their own culture and goals, the Swarm became important, and they even concerned about the kypari amber trees, and they treated them sacred

The las swarm started ten years too soon and not because the Empress wanted to catch the Pandaren off-guard
Shek’zeer has been overwhelmed and possessed by the Sha of Fear, and she was running her empire into the ground.
At her command, many mantid embraced the sha, willfully corrupting themselves, their sacred trees, and the entire ecology of their land.
The Klaxxi saw this and realised, blind fear has driven the empress onto a warpath and it’s tearing her civilization apart.
And while the Sha were the “legacy of their God” the Sha were in fact not their God - just an influence that ruined their Empire

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How can you say such things when TBC is standing right there.

It’s literally how tbc lore is described in a nutshell.

Using cool warcraft 3 characters and making them villains because it would be cool

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