"Why did the graphics of older assets look better in Classic than they do in Retail?"

The answer is simply that in Classic, as was the case with many games released around that era (take the old GTA games as an example) added a kind of “blur” effect so that the higher definition wouldn’t be able to betray the actual low quality of the graphics as much, plus it functioned as a sort of illusion which made some things in-game look slicker, cleaner and ironically more realistic and detailed.
Plus all of the assets were made at around the same time so their quality was more or less the same.

When retail started upping the HD factor, the old assets aged like milk since their low quality now appeared stark naked, especially when right next to the old assets there were now new HD(ish) assets, the difference between which was night and day.

You’ll realize this after playing Classic for a while. That yes, although the overall graphics are worse than retail, the feeling is more immersive due to there not being too many ques that betray the integrity of the low-poly models.

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Unless I’ve completely missed the point you are trying to make, I find Classic looks dreadful and Retail looks much better. But you don’t play Classic for the graphics.

Personal Preference I guess.




You missed the point.
E.g. open up a fem ud wearing bloodfang on wowhead’ss retail and classic modelviewer. The retail one is dreadful by comparison


he did not meant that.


Idk I think it looked good at the time because that’s the best we got and as they upped their skill ofc it looked worse.

He was saying classic looks better in classic cos it’s all the same low poly stuff, rather than in retail where you have disparaging quality everywhere. I see the point but disagree - it still looks naff because we know there is better quality stuff.

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It’s all subjective, honestly.
You could prefer that ‘blur’, but I definitely prefer HD and more crisp visuals - even if that makes the old stuff looks worse.

It’s a bit like how old tv quality masked a lot of things in movies and series. Nowadays make-up effects for instance have to be much better with high definition details and such. An old series in HD really gives away a lot of the ‘fakeness’.


I tried classic for a while, and stuck with it for as long as I did despite the fact that it looked awful. I didn’t find it more immersive over time because it still looked awful.

Well, you gotta be one of the sadest trolls i’ve seen on the forum so far…

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What? …Just what?
‘‘Why did nintendo 64 look so much better than playstastion 5?’’ Is literally how I see this. And just what?

It also doesn’t help that there has been a shift in art direction, especially when it comes to textures and colors.

For me there is just something off with the modern colors, feels strangely washed out.

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Am I being toxic again or am i missing a point here again? what the hell.

There was a short period in gaming when sharp modern graphics were less immersive than old, well designed low-res models where every pixel was placed with careful planning. But that’s long gone, especially in WoW.



The point is that higher fidelity is an actual paradox. By increasing the fidelity you are also increasing the fidelity of the flaws.
Clipping is more pronounced, texture cuts are more pronounced etc. In classic on the other hand everything was nicely blended in low-ress-iness.

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So basically… how we player models and skyboxes and everything got the HD update… But trees and nature of our old world remained in the old 2d crap graphics then?..

The answer to that is because Blizzard sucks and they should have overhauled it all ages ago.

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It’s not about preference, it’s meant to be more of a technical analysis.
Of course HD looks better overall, though I would like it if they remade and replaced all in-game assets so that there wouldn’t be any moments in which the difference between models stands out like a sore thumb.

I definitely agree with that. At the very least they could make all the textures high quality.

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Re-read this CAREFULLY.
“Why did the graphics of OLDER ASSETS, not the overall game graphics in general, look less awful in the old version?”

You missed the point by a deviation of at least seven miles, but that’s ok don’t lose sleep over it. :beers:

What’d he say, his comment got taken down lol


Yeah pretty much

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I don’t think you’re understanding him. It’s more like “why does PS1 look better on a CRT than on a 4k screen?”

And it does.


I’d find hillarious to see what any allied races including Dracthyr would look like in the classic set up, would be nightmare fuel.

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