Why did they discontinue MoP/WoD CM Reward systems?

Blizzard discontinued Challenge Mode reward system during the implementation of Mythic+

I believe most people would agree that Challenge Mode dungeons are nearly the same thing as Mythic+ Dungeons yet of course became more difficult over time.

Some context for this post, I know we have a recolour mount and FoS for the current BFA Season 4 rewards and I know we get a tiny upgraded animation for the laser beam and even in Legion we got a artifact colour variant. These rewards are quite bluntly nothing compared to getting a new full set with included animations, Or a set of weapons with animations.

With that said over the past four years our only reward incentive thats permanent are two recolours… (Awakened Mindborer BFA S4) (Legion artifact colour variant All seasons I believe) Side note: I’m not counting the necklace since we won’t use it in shadowlands

There is no harm in adding additional incentive of Cosmetics alongside gear like blizzard used to do with CM’s.

So why I asked and thought about? Why not just let the players have something to Strive for, Something that would later on be UNOBTAINABLE! Something that would motivate newer players to learn about and want to obtain themselves.

I believe the thought process behind blizzards discontinuation involves two things, Player accessibility(Rewards for everyone no matter the skill level!) and laziness.

So firstly what is player accessibility? This is where blizzard tries to appeal to everyone across the spectrum from “New player/noob” To “Tryhard Esports”.
I believe a lot of people probably complain and really want some of the old CM unobtainable rewards, Which of course could seem like a bad thing to blizzard that their making it new player unfriendly.

But allow me to enlighten you upon a tale from whence I was once that noob, But instead of complaining to Blizzard I jealously asked how they got this magnificent gear and it inspired me to become a FILTHY PVE PLEB, At the time i was a PvP only noob, But now i see the enjoyment of both and now I play the game more because of this awesome cosmetic reward they added in MoP, It even helped me decide which class I want to main since the MoP sets had such amazing class fantasy tied within them. Still to this day I get jealous whenever I see them beautiful sets. The moral of the story is it inspired me and I’m now addicted for life.

Another benefit is EASY class fantasy design, With the tier sets being discontinued in BFA and presumabley for the start of Shadowlands it would help add new sets which fuel that juicy class fantasy.

The most obvious benefit is more rewarding incentive which is harmless, even inspiring in most cases i’d say.

I believe theres even recolours for the original MoP CM sets already in game files but unused which could make things easier in order to not run out of sets eventually like Ion mentioned one time.

Thank you so much for reading, This was originally just gonna be a small 300 word suggestion but I honestly think a lot of people would agree with the cosmetic incentives coming back please do leave any feedback in comments i’d be curious to see.


Unless they make mythic+ locked to a set item level like CMs then no not for 15s but for 20s then yes .
I wouldnt like a recolour of MoP it would have to be totally fresh .
Atm the gear from doing M+ is more than enough and a FoS and mount .
CMs did well without having gear maybe bring them back and remove M+

Definitely not. You only had to do them once and then you were done with them.

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same cosmetic reward concept them, you do all 15’s of current m+ you get a mount sure.

Not really same concept at all. The difficulty remained static. M+ is more similar to greater rifts in D3.

You do them once all on 15 and your done with them. it’s pretty similar I don’t know why you’re being so picky.

You couldn’t even get gear upgrades to bruteforce it down because you were item level restricted in them.

Can you read the rest of the post lol, This topic was created about specifically the “Reward system” Not an argument about specifics to minute details on differences of difficulty.

Can you understand what CM was?

You’re trying to make it out to be something it was not.

In your own words. It’s nowhere close to the same thing. Only way it should come back is if it was the same as back then.

I can see now why you want CM MoP armour back its because you either didnt play when out or didnt have a team to do them with .

M+ and CM are completely different .
Only thing they share is time limit and mob. count .

I can understand yeah, issue is you haven’t said anything about the topic. You just want to argue about differences.

It’s your own words. They are NOT ANYWHERE CLOSE TO THE SAME THING.

Don’t misconstrue my whole post thinking i’m just wanting one thing thank you, I’m a big advocator for more new transmog cosmetic options.

Thing is unless M+ is made with

No affixes
No gear rewarded
Set item level needed ie scaled

Then no to cosmetics.

I Already said I can agree with that, This is simply a post advocating for a similar reward system. I’m not gonna argue and decide how they implement it because I know that argument would be never-ending. But it would be cool to have it like that aswell, the idea you mentioned earlier of having it around the +20 level with set affixes and set ilvl i guess.

I did not have CM mode because my realm was dead and there were no group finders back then.

Yeah more cosmetics would be a great addition, many feel that M+ doesn’t have lasting rewards, not sure what good that R4 essence would do after BFA is order.

I was having a discussion recently about this and my idea was to have a set of 8 items split between all 4 seasons, the opinions were split though.

There was an addon called Oqueue and a website called OpenRaid though.

I was on Vek’nilash back then, and that was before it got merged with Eonar/Blade’s Edge, so it was pretty dead as well.

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That addon totally destroyed servers, lmao.

I tried the addon for few days then when I saw how my bnet account was quickly getting filled with strangers I deleted it.

Also I did not like give beer button.