Why did they take Varoke into Orgrimmar

Apologies if this is a silly question but im missing a point. Shouldnt they have taken him back to Nagrand to have a ceremonial burial like his son and wife?

Side note: Lok’tar Saurfang hopefully now we’ll see the whitches downfall.

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Where is our home ?

Outland ?

No , not our birthplace , our home


It would be kinda odd after the speech about where home is , to bring him to a different world

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Thrall does bury him in Nagrand next to the piles of his wife and son though.

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Yet another orc Thrall could had resurrected but he didn’t.

These shammies…always making you corpse run.

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Thrall and BoyKing picked the wrong class.
If they were warlocks they could have Soul Stoned him and all would be fine. Could have had him lead the Horde…
Such a waste.

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Horcruxes have no honour.

honour has no honour!

(yes thats right, we’re back to those hellish days again)

Their home and birthplace is Nagrand.

No. Thrall said he will bring Saurfang back to Outland, so he can rest next to his son and wife.

Thanks guys appreciate the steller and massively intelligent thought out answers.
Big oof…

Well my thoughts are…
Thrall has been out of the game for a while and by the look of his farm is pretty low on gold. I think he and Varoke made a deal, if either quits the other can have his stuff. The nearest AH is in Orgrimmar, so it was just convenient for them to bring him there. Anduin has first dibs on his father’s blades.
That final shot is of Thrall contemplating the going rate for disenchanting mats.

They wanted to take him “home”. I tried telling them they got the wrong address. Stormwind is to the east.

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