Why did Thrall allow the blood elves into the horde?

Like I said, that was after the founding of the kingdom.

You seem so fixated on headcanoning the size of the ruins rather than reading it as chronicles says it. They built a kingdom upon the ruins.

Chronicles doesn’t mention any. But even if they did that they had no way of knowing just how far it extended on the new continent.

Territory that was seemingly abandoned.

No, I’m saying every troll in a raiding party is a warrior. Unless they were dumb enough to bring bread vendors with them on their ambushes.

The Amani never surrendered. They never attempted to make peace.

Okay, keep ignoring me then and kindly sod off.

Accept defeat gracefully, brother. There is no way in hell the elves marched from the south of the Amani Empire, to the uttermost North, all the way through uninhabited land.

Such a thing is impossible. I am sorry.


Trolls were probably everywhere in small pockets but there’s no way they could have known they’d be marching right into the heart of their decrepit ‘empire’. Especially with a snowstorm in the way and nothing but leylines to guide them.

Tbh lads, what’s your thoughts on Bastion?

To me it seems like a very repainted Halls of Valour, but with greco-romans, but blue. I can’t put into words how little excitement I have for this zones. Aesthetically speaking - and story breadcrumb wise - it’s all very boring.

I get wings, they get me.


You get Blue Human’d and a memory wipe.

Also made a thread on this for people who want to discuss it there.


Ardenweald looks like a trippy mix of Val’sharrah and Shadowmoon. Maldraxxius is just Northrend with flamboyant liches. Ravendreth is just Vampire Counts: the Zone.

I have little hype or expectations for it all, but with that said maybe like WoD it would be a blessing for roleplay. Because aside from the big shots* no one else really goes there and it can be safely ignored 100%.

There’s nothing greater a Tauren could aspire to.

Furthermore, Zul’aman must be destroyed.

Come on. we discussed that. You don’t get a memory wipe. The process of becoming Kyrian involves overcoming/getting rid of memories that bind you, and involes voluntarily dealing with that.

If i go in with no expectations then I can’t be disappointed.

Nah, if you think you have no expectations, that just means you don’t know your expectations. There is alsways something to disappoint.


Yeah, that’s true. Can’t wait for them to slowly continue their aggressive dilution and homogenisation of the lore.

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/casts Lightning Lasso

You forced my hand.

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Uh… b-be gentle? :cold_sweat:

You know who I was talking about!


You’re no Cato the older!

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Zul’Aman delenda est.

i vote we demolish Zul’aman and build a giant alter there with a bunch of dead trolls a memorial of the troll wars this alter will be made from the bones of real amani trolls

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I figured out you might like this bit, It pretty much ends the discussion :

Page 120,
As they drew closer to the land that the scouts had found, hope warmed their weary hearts. Verdant woodlands blanketed the terrain, and the ground beneath the Highborne’s feet crackled with potent lines of magic. But the elves would soon discover that another race also called this region home: the barbaric Amani trolls.

The arrival of the Highborne infuriated the trolls, who harbored a bitter hated od elves from the days of Queen Azshara. The Amani sent out raiding parties immediately, and the Higborne soon learned to fear troll ambushes in the dense forests. Yet the elves stubbornly pressed forward, using their magical prowess to decimate any Amani who dared cross their path. Soon the trolls learned to tread cautiously. The continuous skirmishes fostered a mutual enmity between the Amani and the Highrborne .

Despite the trolls’ ferocity, the elves finally reached the nexus of the ley lines they had been seeking. Powerful torrents of arcane energy converged in the vibrant forests. Dath’Remar proclaimed this was where they would begin their civilization anew.

Btw seeing this thread, I wish developers knew what kind of people belves attract.


good noble patriots of quel’halas who’s only wish it is to see the troll’s dead and buried? we must purge the trolls from this lands like the vermin they are and return the land to the earth mother

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