Why did Thrall allow the blood elves into the horde?

Short answer ?

We look good.

This is why I encourge people to roll blood elves, it guarentees a Hordelet will get mad.

Also bring back og femtrolls.


You are not allowed to like Zul’jin, or belflets will whine how the Amani were evil animals. Those same belflets will proceed to claim dwarves are evil for killing the Drakkari, placing a heavy emphasis on “WILL NOBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!”

Double standards are fun!

Yes you do. :eyes:


As a Zandalari troll main I am happy to announce that it is infact possible to hate Amani while liking the Drakkari.

Care to notice that the PCs + the Scourge genocided them all. Their emissary is in the “House of fallen tribes” for a reason afterall.

It is the poor attempt to discredit a people that have never done anyhing but defend their rightful homeland, and nothing else.

Also, one would think that Darkspear, who have quite a difficult history with the more warlike troll tribes in Stranglethorn, should know better than to settle in hostile territory, on a different continent on top of that.

If they even did… did you notice how Ven’jashi’s faction is Silvermoon? I say he was an imposter :wink:


Heh, ‘some’ people being allot of Alliance rerollers, aside new players…those that played Horde, played regardless of Blood Elf inclusion or not.

Me being one of the proud minority, that said, I’m not with the butthurt over Blood Elves crowd, although I think it would’ve been (far)more interresting without the end of TBC twist, the restoration of the Sunwell pretty much turned them back into High Elves again in all but name, wich I personnaly think was a waste of potential.

otherwise, no Belf hate from this one vanilla Horde player.

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Lordaeron is their rightful homeland too. Wanna know who took it from them? Humans. And their BFF club.


They experienced their very own version of Teldrassil burning(It was human mages btw) long before Night Elves could even think of complaining about it.

Zul’jin was a vile beast with a penchant for bloodlust and murder. He single handedly led the Amani people to the brink of utter ruin because his deluded mind couldn’t handle the fact that his empire was in decline and that the northernmost parts of that ancient empire had fallen to the elves several millennia prior to his birth.

Good riddance to a bad troll and may his name forever be tainted and spoken only in curses and bad dreams.

Not biased btw.

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Word. :point_up_2:

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If he was a smart boi he would have followed Orgrim towards Lordaeron to finish the job. Strategy and all that. But nope. Gotta got Elves to hunt instead even tho they outnumber you and the Alliance army still falls into your backside. His failure is on himself only.

Indeed. An unforgivable crime. But let’s not forget it were Elves who taught them those magic in the first place, and for exactly this purpose.


No, you see, Jabjan “logic” makes humans more culpable then elves, although humans participated in a single battle, while elves have several thousand years of systematic extermination on their conscience, plus the battle.

Another fun fact, one of the Darkspear cries when you use the charge emote is “For Zul’jin”. Interesting.


yes that’s because they are mortal enemies and all that :wink:


We do know the Darkspear always projected their power in the Northern Eastern Kingdoms, it wasn’t invented lore. Stranglethorn Valley is actually next to Lordaeron, but we didn’t realize it yet.


Well, elves are just basically rival troll tribes. Amani lands falling to them means little, it still stays in the family.


TBC wants its jokes back, C’mon man, you’re better than that.

Yep, Kael’thas got the knowledge, then It was sent back with Rommath, who gave it to LTT, who wrote it down and used it as a bargaining chip.

The Amani have never been shown to play well with others, including fellow trolls, Their siding with the Horde briefly seems to have been the exception, rather than the rule, and even -then- only because they thought it would give them a better chance of wrecking Silvermoon.

Said it before and I’ll say it again, Legolas Tolkeinesque Elves are your Quel’dorei (and even Tolkein’s Elves weren’t -nice- ). Sin’dorei however are more like the Elves from our mythology, They are conceited, vain, only have use for others when it benefits themselves, cruel, and toy with ‘lesser races’ They are our legends that children in cradles were told as horror stories, the fickle and capricious Aos Sidhe, Tuatha de Danaan, Twlwyth Teg, Svart Alfar and Lios Alfar, Nunnehi and creatures of the Dreamtime. They are Bean Sidhe’s and Leannan Sidhes (Who suck the life energy out of poets and artists, sound familiar?) They are -NOT- nice at all, and in some legends are outright evil.

I mean they are the reason in some of the more remote areas of Britain, people leave a bowl of milk outside the front door, to appease the ‘Kindly Folk’ and so many front doors have Horseshoes nailed to the door. For Elves cannot abide Iron, and discarded old horseshoes was all the iron most peasantry could get hold of.

Elves were always superficial, but handsome or beautiful Scumbags in our real world myths, Blizz just gave us a slice of that back…

Well, to be fair, the Amani were pretty unpleasant, even by the standards of the other tribes…

Did they kick off on the Drakkari? I mean everyone did in Northrend, but the Frostmane in Dun Morogh, whilst being Ice trolls, are as different from Drakkari as Revantusk are from Amani.

But yeah, Elves of most types are utter D!cks in WoW, and I kind of like that aspect to them. Not because I am a D!ck, or would hope I am not, but because I love ancient mythology.

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This is starting to bother me a lot. Tolkien elves are not perfect, they are based on the things which you mentioned. They are cruel, vain, territorial, capable of killing family for jewelry, terrible in their passions, relentless in their pursuits.

People legit need to start reading the Silmarillion.

Chronicles claim the Amani had a legendary reputation among the tribes, so there is that. The entire tribe almost died killing Kithix.

They are off-shots of the same Empire, and they display all the traits common to the Drakkari.


“Scratch an elf and you’ll find a troll” - Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos


Please refrain from such blatant racism. Would you call a human an ape???

Yes, I believe that comparison works.

Speaking of fun facts:

I’m not entirely sure if that’s an official Blizzard site, but if it is, it would explain where that battlecry originally came from: An early retcon!