Why did you join your faction?

Play both factions but play Alliance more now due to quicker BG que times and I have a soft spot for Jaina or should I say hard? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Jokes aside.

I love horde Undead just rules.

But I love me a night elf no matter how much people slate them.

Though really I only ever play Nelf - Human - Dwarf on alli and I can’t stand the female models.

I tried to like worgen but gah. The lore and story is top notch and I love it, but I can’t stand the models in gear. I will get around to it some day.


Horde had shaman, end of my story ^^

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Cute elves ayaya


I used to play Human in Warcraft 3 so wanted to roll Alliance initially. Most of my friends, who played Orc and Undead mostly, wanted to play Horde so we ended up going Horde. Can’t say I regret the choice ^^

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I really like gnomes and my friends on Alliance side but when I am alone or play with a irl friend I / we always choose Horde, somehow they seem more overall mature that suits me better.

I am not 15 anymore.

Don’t forget the pony tails, the pony tails man

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I’ve never really had a preference, always liked dwarves and humans so naturally I started as a nelf warrior. Always liked undead so when I got bored of warrior I made an undead rogue but then I wasn’t a big fan of rogue so I went undead priest instead and didn’t get bored of that till around mid-cata where I went nelf priest for the rest of the expansion then back to undead again because kazzak alliance died and I didn’t wanna move server.

Holy priest sucked in MoP so made this warlock (used to be human) and an undead warlock and ended up playing more on this one and now I’ve got 8 years of reputation grinding on it and I don’t really care about what faction I am anymore so paying 55 euros to go alliance seems silly.

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Never had a preference but transitioned from alliance to horde simply cause of the race choice and thats where my friends are.

And that was something horde could never give me.

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I was originally horde back in the days (vanilla - wotlk) a rogue undead.

but when I came back to the game (a month before legions end) I went to alliance because more egirls

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I started playing WoW at launch (well I was in the beta if you want to get technical), and rolled horde because me and my rl friends had all agreed to play the same faction. The early plan was to all roll tauren, but I found they lacked something when compared to the race from WC3. Anyway… played an Orc hunter for several years until I quit near the end of WotLK due to extreme boredom and just being fed up with the game (most of my friends had quit and I had stopped raiding during TBC, so yeah not a lot to do).

When I came back to the game some years later I wanted a fresh start and so I rolled the faction I never really played much (I did level a dwarf paladin alt to 60 on another server during vanilla, but meh); alliance.
I enjoyed it so much that I decided to move my original hunter to my new RP server (sadly PvP servers still existed back then and I never ever ever wanted to be involved with open world pvp ever again - if I had known warmode would one day be a thing I might have not moved or factionchanged).

So here we are… I think I’ve now played alliance main longer than I’ve played horde main and there’s no regrets.

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Because all my friends were alliance. BFA is the first time i’ve ever played a bit on horde side aswell.

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Oh, seems like it swapped chars for me when i was logged out, this is me :laughing:

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I swap it so often I can’t spit out smth coherent :smiling_imp:
Gimmie nelf or Kek tiran paladins and I ll do it again

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Back in TBC, I had a couple of alts on each side, and a Horde guild on that realm was advertising. TLDR, I was a clueless scrub but somehow they never bothered to kick me and I raided with them from Karazhan to ICC.

Literally no better reason than “those guys seem nice, I’ll play with them a while.”

My sub was spotty from Cata-Legion, but short version there were usually “a few” friends still active and I followed them through a few different guilds. We had a really good go at 8.0 raiding but… come 8.1… all my raiding friends had dissolved, the social Alliance guild I had been in an out of since TBC was still there… and I transferred my raiding main over just for consistency. Not long after, I hooked up with a good community and guild, and now here I am, probably forever. Never did manage to get all my characters to the same server though.

I do prefer the aesthetics on Alliance, Stormwind and Boralus are just nicer cities than the Horde equivalents, and while our leader is a bit wishy washy, he’s genuinely trying to make a better world. Meanwhile Sylvanas… goodness only knows. I guess we find out in Shadowlands?

Maybe I was always a bit of an Alliance child and suppressing it for the sake of raiding. Or maybe I’m more interested in a socially active guild and community than anything else :slight_smile:


Because the horde theme is depressing & all their playable races are ugly runescape monsters except tauren


Forsaken are just so cool, gloomy and doomy. Dont really care what Sylvanas does. She is still pretty thicc bae tbh. :kiss:

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When horde gets vulpera and zandalari trolls, while we get fat tyras and robodiaper I ask to myself " Why am I even here?!"… Then a semi naked night elfs passes by with those thick legs and i think " Oh! right…"

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Because the Horde has ugly races, And the Alliance has the best ones, worgens, humans, Draenei… Nelf…

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Originally it was because of the night elves. Conveniently, my favorite race (Worgen) were Alliance too so I stuck.

I really actually don’t care much about factions, only races.

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I have been playing alliance since the start , i pledge my loyality to it basically , dont have any horde characters and not even thinking of playing one (so disgusting) … why ? Im always with the good side , We are better in everyway honestly , our mogs is so royale and luxury … our cities … our mounts

For the Alliance always


I started as a horde because of the troll picture of TBC deluxe x expansion book.

Well also you know its nice to shout “FOR THE HORDE” with the manliest voice, “FOR THE ALLIANCE” to me sounds like a kitten purring

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