Why did you murder the professions Blizz?

I miss professions too.

TBC added JC
Wotlk added inscription

Legion-BFA removed everything


Iā€™ve been away since WotLK and was baffled with the new Inscription thing.
Way back I rolled a DK fresh in WotLK and went through the leveling 1 to 450 (I think?).

I was not there when the change hit and my DK is not my main. But holy baby jebus, the change of Inscription was a kick to the teeth.


They really tried to kill Wow with Beta for Azeroth launch.

At least, they are slowly reverting stuff.

I guess they are using Machiavellian philosophy here: First you are firm and hard with your populous, then you give them a little nugget, then they will love you for it.

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I agree. All professions in BFA needs some serious attention. I want to be able to enchant more pieces of gear, not just rings and weapons. Inscription needs new glyphs. You can still make some good gold on the existing glyphs, but inscription as a proffession still feels completely forgotten. And BS/LW/Tailoring needs more craftable sets. Not necessarily 370+ gear. But maybe some nice transmog gear and at least some entry level armor and weapons that is worth crafting. (and that you havent out-geared at the time you have finally gathered all the mats). And bring back belt buckles please!

This totaly devaluate old materialsā€¦ making them worth next to nothing with exception for some exclusive items like for example mounts.

Jewelcrafting is looking like a real powerful contender in 8.1.
You will be able to create up to 415 crafted rings bop rings, with a -guaranteed- socket. That alone sends their value through the roof.

Though I wonder what raiders would pair it with? Alchemy seems the obvious choice for 2 hour duration flasks, as well getting an up to 415 alchemy trinket. Though im also reading the alchemy gets an anchor weed transmute, 5x of each herb. One on ptr got 10 anchor weed out of it.

Are you frigging serious?

The ā€œentry level gearā€ you are talking about canā€™t even be used. By the time youā€™ve crafted it, itā€™s completely obsolete.

I miss some of how crafting worked in TBC(TBC wasnā€™t perfect either though). I had PoP gear that lasted forever. It felt worth crafting it. At the same time I liked how Alchemy worked, with specializations. I was a potion master at first, since chain potting was a thing before they made it so that you could only use one potion pr. combat. When they changed that I went Elixir Master instead.

There is a lot of potential use for the crafting professions, but I have to admit Blizzard is really bad at designing crafting(not saying I would be any better). Taking advantage of transmogrification is one thing they could do, for the cosmetic part of gear crafting at least, but there should be more to it. I really want to drop my LW, but I refuse, because Iā€™ve had it since vanilla, and if I drop it, it will probably finally get that rework I have been waiting forā€¦

Because wow tokens. $$

Once again you want to make anything decent they try to funnel you into dungeons and raids,i have no desire to join with 4 other randoms because in my experience 1-2 of them usually are complete douches. I remember years ago farming my Windhawk set on my boomer took me weeks,or the Clefthoof armour set. Now if i want to craft above 355 i need Hydrocore so thats the end of that proff. Itā€™s a joke Blizz. Not interested in raids/dungeons and i know a lot of friends that are the same,enjoy crafting or used to.

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think you are confused, hydrocore/tidalcore is nothing new. Weve had dungeon and raidbound crafting materials since TBC. Primal Nether and Nethervortex ring a bell?

I agree with him. It is quite sensible what he says. But atm, its not only entry level you get to craft. In January, youā€™ll get to craft 415 epics which is mythic raid levels. Granted, tidalcores wont instantly fall into your bags, there is a progression to it, as you first craft the 385, then the 400, then the 415. The good players will progress faster than they get tidalcores, the less good players will receive it as an upgrade, the casuals will get another welfare item some time in March/ April.

I had 3 lvl 1 gnomes in WotLK camping AH(two accounts, 2 screens) happily earning me so much gold on glyphs that I havenā€™t had to earn gold since then (not a big spender but still), until a Chinese came along (I know this because when he showed up a few minutes later after his previous account was banned, I chatted with him, turns out he was an ok guy but camping AH all day long undercutting and relisting with a push of a button).

Basically what happens if you can enchant every slot, your pet and your mom, is that the content will be tuned to it, and these days when everyone can start a profession without having to start at lvl 1 and grind their way through every expansion to be eligible for current content enchants, most people already have most professions anyway, and are self sustained.

God I miss weapon Chain.
We really need that back when some classes disarm is like 8 secondsā€¦ like christ.

One chapter away from completing all of Kul Tiras. I have a grand total of 12 anchor weed to show for this.

Proffs are a joke. Waste of time. THey make it impossible to advance via timegating and re gating.

Learn to farm then. Run in circles around a small area in non busy areas.

I would like to add my 5 cents here.
I totally disagree with that opinion. Making money is not the main goal of the professions. I came back to wow a month ago, it is end of current patch and i am wearing 385 googles!
The azerite traits is awesome! It feels that i made my character different by choosing engineering as my profession. That is what i didnt have in previous patches, you just craft it on start and just throw it away as soon as you get something decent from raids.
Well tbh i still probably will throw it away, but way later then it was before.
I wish blizzard will make this traits more powerful so it could compare with the ones from raid!
At least what i see is that all moving to a right direction.
Imho every profession should provide your character with some unique and viable piece of gear not with a source of money!

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