Why did you purge my Classic Characters?

I call it like it is labelled in my battle.net launcher :slight_smile:

Understood, thanks for clearing that up.

Still no reason to delete my original classic toons from the original classic game mode, which existed, way back before TBCC and now still exists along WOTLKC.

In all of WoW’s history since 2004 or so, never ever were any toons deleted between patches, server merges, addons, etc. on any game mods. Except PTRs, of course.

Odd, my launcher says “Wrath of the Lich King Classic” and “World of Warcraft Classic”, so they aren’t the same for me.

That’s pretty much close enough to what I said.
There’s WoW classic and there’s WoW wotlk.
2 very different game modes, as we both even might agree on.

Except they are not modes, they are expansions, Like retail is separate, but apart from that yeah we agree.

What’s your point? I would not consider original classic an expansion. It was there before TBCC and WOTLKC, is still there and apparently for some months even held my original classic progress. So why delete that and force me play the new stuff when the old stuff was there first?

I’m not fully disagreeing with you, I just think that it was handled super badly and needs second thoughts by Blizzard.

You don’t get it? They didn’t delete your characters from the Classic Era servers, because they were never there!

You failed to clone the characters - yes, you HAD to do something to get them there. But you had 18 months to do so. Being passive and doing nothing just meant characters stayed on the same servers which are now upgraded to WotLK Classic.

You can be as angry you like, but it all comes down to you not selecting ERA / TBC during the timeslot you had. It is too late to do anything now, the clone data is gone.


Please come back when your font is blue.



If you are expecting Blizzard to respond (or even read!) here, then you are really naive. The forums are only for the community, Blizzard does not read them - and especially not the EU forums.

I know that the forums are weak, but people also opened hundreds of tickets already. Also, there’s multiples of EVEN MORE threads on this issue on the US forums.

You can open as many threads as you like and that will not change the fact that the data is gone.


It was exactly the deal. Starting WoW over again. Official WoW is about expansion progression, not isolation of them one by one like private servers do. Era realms are clones of existing/existed progression realms in a stand alone project locked at phase 6 of Classic. It is not just WoW: Classic it is WoW: Classic ERA for a reason. Reason described in posts linked to you above and in other threads.

Why didn’t Blizzard just copied those characters for free to both Classic(in TBC prepatch)/TBC/Wrath and Classic Era? Well the answer is GREED. Originally cloning service was ment to cost around 35€ but Blizzard desided to reduce the price to 15€ after debates. You could still pay nothing, but only move a character in one direction Classic or Classic Era. It seemed strange that I could move all my character to TBC yet still create character on Era and have extra 50 character limit there, so Blizzard would have had kept both my Classic (TBC/Wrath) database where my mains are and Classic Era database where I have a few nicknames reserved just in case I would feel like playing Era after progression realms reach dead end.

Will “Classic” project stop in Wrath or move to Cata, MoP or maybe Draenor up Legion? nobody knows and it seems it depends on the demand for “Classic” version of those expansion.

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I have to agree, but some blame has to be on the players who turned off marketing preferences so they didn’t get the emails. Sending emails that bypass that would be Blizzard breaking their rules.

Doesn’t that suggest that Blizzard know quite a few people want it and they would bring it back if they could?

I would say all the people who paid would be outraged and demand their money back, maybe even quit in disgust. Me, I only paid for two and even then it was when it was cheap but even I would feel cheated.

Edit: personally I think it should have also been a fee you could pay to activate all your characters on both Era and TBC, not just one at a time.

Again I will say I am not against the service coming back but I am 100% certain it won’t be.

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How is the data gone when the character is not deleted and still has all the gear, reputation, gold and inventory saved, just on a different expansion timeline? Some Item IDs might be changed or whatever, but that doesn’t mean it’s not restorable to classic without expansions???

If it’s played then lots of things will change and will not be worth writing to code to remove or change them, even if it’s not played a lot of things would change.

It’s time to face reality, cloning for Era is not coming back.

To all the people telling Era are new servers… Explain to me that on my first login last month, yes I also missed all of this and are rerolling, that it showed the amount of characters I had on the realms I was playing on still… Does that sound like newly created servers to you… and data is gone…?

I have no problems with this myself but not so nice I didn’t get notified…

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I feel you. The same thing happend to me and all my friends.

When I wrote a ticket about all our vanilla work that was “purged” (as blizzard put it in the ticket) I was even warned by Blizzard that “any further inquiries into the subject could be considered Blizzard employee harassment and THAT they would act upon”

Can you belive that?! It’s beyond me how they piss on us… They really cannot repair the damage done to their reputation. They’ve gone too far too many times. Zero integrity and interest in their product. It’s all about the $ they get from botters and whales.

Anyway, Imagine if they would’ve just sent a mail warning everyone that they would copy everything to wrath and purge the vanilla servers. Is it too much to ask for a simple mail before 100s or 1000s of hours are purged?! It is pretty much standard to send an email when doing this kind of drastic moves.

And to everyone who claims “it’s the natural progression”; well back in the day you had to choose to buy the expansions and join it. Neither me nor any of my friends joined vanilla classic to eventually be forced to play retail wow… And no, it is not reasonable to expect your customers to read devblogs every day and get and camp on social media just to safeguard their data.


They actually did indirectly, they linked the news in the emails which had the information in it, but if you didn’t get disabled marketing emails you didn’t get that one.

How about once or twice a year? it was actually in the news section for some time.

No, it’s not good enough to cause massive dataloss for a customer and then say;

“Well we did have a blogpost on our webpage…”
“Well if you had Twitter and followed us there…”
“Well we did send commercial marketing mail and had a link in there somewhere…”


You need to progress from Stage Two in the Five Stages of Grief, Nuniel.

For the love of God!


I agree 100% with you on the first two options, but the third one would be fine actually. If you ignore this vital information then it’s your responsibility.