Why do I have to transfer currencies?

I’m talking about currencies like Kej, Resonance Crystals, Undercoins, Timewarped Badges and Bronze Celebration Tokes. Why do I have transfer these currencies to other characters? Why don’t these currencies simply go into a huge pile that any character can use at any time? What’s the point of the transfer process?

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Would be nice if there were warbank currencies instead

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Might be due some serious concerns about if it goes poof.

Which did, for some currencies like Timewarped Badges.

I echo Punyelf’s suggestion about a Warbank Currency tho if the errors are ironed out.

What happened with Timewarped Badges?

Technical issues presumably. Ion have mention that they yet heave to structure “source of truth” for better account wide experience.

Baby steps, I’m sure we’ll get them next expansion at the latest.

If I had to guess: Databases.

In the current game currencies are stored in each character in the database probably. The easiest way to introduce “account wide” currencies is to have an interface that lets you transfer from one character to another. It is:

  • Simple
  • Easy to implement
  • Relatively easy to test and find/fix bugs

Now if you want to actually have true account bound currencies, then you are looking to overhaul the back-end of currencies, design a new database structure for how it is gonna work, and then implement/test that.

And all of that for no real benefit apart from appearance. I think they made the correct decision for now.

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I don’t mind having to transfer them, I mind that they’re not all accountshared. Now that I’m still waiting for an explanation for that isn’t something that can be boiled down to “as if we actually want you to not do the same grind on multiple characters” - which I could still deal with if they at least were honest about it.