Why do Night Elf males still only have one tattoo color available?

For some reason the only tattoo color available to NE males is purple, while NE females have multiple colors to choose from. This problem could be fixed with max 2 minutes of coding, but apparently that’s too much to ask from a billion dollar company? I mean this is absurd and it’s been annoying me for 2 years now. I wonder if Blizzard even knows that NE male tattoo colors are missing if they play their own game.


Did not know female Nelves had more available colors than males. Guess someone was just lazy then.

yeah, i think they should add some colors to the tatoos :confused:

Sadly, yes. I wish they would just hire 1 person whose focus would be customization. 1 person because I saw plenty and plenty of people doing stuff by themselves and they’re just fans. There are still many limited options and I don’t understand why is that a process Blizzard decides to ignore. Our characters are most important in this whole game, yet as you’ve said, NE males have only purple tattoo color, while females have plenty. Why do human females only have make up options. That golden tiara on Blood Elf stays golden even if you choose “silver” as your general jewelry color. I could keep going and I just won’t understand this whole way of Blizzard’s thinking.

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i expect nothin from a ppl who built palaces in the same style for millennia.

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There are night elf males?

cough cough

the night elf males are moustly DHs or druids so they dont need tattoos …

Everyone look out, monsters approach! :scream:

not really but ok

fear me army.

It’s because no one cares about them, they have the worst animations possible in the entire game (even enemies have better ones!) and the worst customisation options

i always have this memory from my first days ingame when maining a horde in wsg i saw this ugly humanoid with long hair in the opposite faction.
I discovered after some days it was a nelf like that

Never ever played a nelf male.

Blizzard could do better.

There’s still only one good nelf male face and that’s the first one… it’s been 84 years…


Blizzard Night elf males are tired of being treated like second class citizens. Its clear you barely put any effort into the new customizations because you prefer to give everything to blood elves. If we’re only going to get one tattoo color then PLZ make it anything besides purple.

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Surprised people say this. That Night Elf males are ugly and have bad animations. I like the male Night Elf stealth and melee animations. As for facial features, human male has only in recent expansions been turned from a hideous face to a bland one.

And putting human males aside, since at least now they look ok, I always thought there are so many uglier races than Night Elf males…

I don’t know man, they look a bit like Goofy to me… and I really don’t like their fighting stances which were clearly designed with warglaives in mind (the dual wield and 1h ones) but warglaives weren’t ever an option.
Those and many other anyway.

Humans on the other hand look standard, are symmetric and since most of the transmogs (if not all) are designed on them, they usually fit better.

Hm. I have seen these “Night Elf males are ugly” opinions quite a few times before, so it clearly is not just your opinion. Everyone has different tastes I guess. I like the way they look fine, so that is what matters most to me, since I am the one who has to look at the character when I play it.

Human bodies/animations are ok, just the faces seem a bit dull to me.

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