So…here i am, just leveling with pvp mode forced on because i can’t miss out on the 10% experience. Here comes this ret paladin, i’m playing shadowpriest so there’s Absolutely no way i can win as they’re Garbage, he keeps attacking me and i use dispersion to take less damage and go towards the guards…to my surprise, boss level guards spawn…attacking ME instead of the player attacking me.
Is this a bug or are the guards there (argent crusade) programmed to only attack horde players?
I didn’t trigger them spawning though. I was on my mount, trying to run away, the cowardly human male paladin (go figure) attacked me first and instead of him, i get attacked. Doesn’t seem right at all.
So they changed that since Cataclysm? That sucks…feels like bad design. Before that it was whomever casted an offensive spell would trigger the guards. That feels like a massive middlefinger to weaker classes like priest…which rely on Spells to attack but also to survive…And neutral reputation. Perhaps a bug, perhaps a hacker…
Well, ye know for next time anyway. Might have been different if you had been attacked actually at the guard spawn area, but you went there after PvP had already started, so the guards saw you first and made a quick decision. I dunno, I’m guessing
Well, at every level paladin>priest. Priest is an incredibly weak class while not at max level…while paladin is most likely one of the strongest. Take one look at a zero cooldown ranged 70% slow… And he attacked me first. Did not return fire, makes him the coward for sure. Also, defending your own kind eh?!
And i wish i could level without warmode…but the op talents and the extra xp % are too good to pass up. As such, i rest my case.
Im mage yet i still go toe to toe with classes hard for me to beat like rogues and ele shammys, but i dont run off. What is it with you horde doing a runner now a days when things arent going your way in WM. As said above it has a 30 sec cd its not spammable
Ah, you’re a troll playing on a human character i see! you cowardly alliance morons never fight a fair fight…always higher level than your victim and/or in bigger numbers. No matter the cooldown, the effect is overpowered enough to render priest useless. Not that priests need help with that…the class is so godawfully bad…no damage, no survivability…no healing…it’s just a Trash class. vampiric embrace=Bad lowdamage. SWP=Bad low damage PWS=bad low absorption. shadowmend, takes too long to cast too easily interrupted.
Also, don’t bother suggesting going discipline. The shields are too low absorption, the damage is too low, the healing is Bad. Those cowardly alliance bastards will still anihilate me.
Also, you’re playing a mage, casters Have to run you dunce